Only Chess
28 Jan 16
Originally posted by UserChevyWhy moves like 10...Bh4?? get played is a mystery. 10...d5 looks much better.
Here's one I had recently. What a better square to trap her on than her starting square.
UserChevy - khaytov
[pgn][Event "Challenge"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2016.01.07"]
[EndDate "2016.01.17"]
[Round "?"]
[White "UserChevy"]
[Black "khaytov"]
[WhiteRating "1718"]
[BlackRating "1692"]
[WhiteElo "1718"]
[BlackElo "1692"]
[ ...[text shortened]... xd4 Qd8xd4 17. Rd1xd4 O-O 18. Rh1d1 b5 19. Rd4d8 Bc8b7 20. Rd8xa8 Bb7xa8 21. Rd1d6 1-0
Originally posted by greenpawn34Perhaps a proverb applies to the first game: beware the move that gives you exactly what you want.
I have a few but these twp appear to have stuck in my mind.
greenpawn34 - Rene Pogel RHP 2008
All I did was develop my pieces.
[Event "Fast Play 1/0"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2008.07.27"]
[Round "1"]
[White "greenpawn34"]
[Black "Rene Pogel"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1987"]
[BlackElo "1565"]
[EndDate "2008.08.0 ...[text shortened]... bottled up.} 6. cxd3 Bc5 7. Qc2 {Not a threat as I deomnstrate.} 7... Nb4 8. Qxc5 Nxd3+ [/pgn]
You don't see as many people falling for a poisoned c2 pawn. Usually it's the one on b2.
Originally posted by DeepThoughtWith hindsight the trade was a blunder, but I think white was frightened of the passed b pawn which is why the rook went to b1
Not one of my games sadly, this is between burningbush and Rogerbr from the middle of last year. I added a couple of moves to the end of the game to show what would happen if white tried to recapture the queen:[pgn][Event "Open invite"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2015.06.24"]
[EndDate "2015.07.20"]
[Round "?"]
[White "burnin ...[text shortened]... e it's clever} 28. fxg3 Rxh2 29. Kxh2 {Forced as the bishop covers g1} Rh8 {Beautiful} 0-1[/pgn]
Originally posted by vendaI think of "Queen trap" as meaning that the Queen is under attack and has no safe squares to run to. I would think GP's 2nd example does not qualify, nor does yours. GP's first example is what I had in mind.
I suppose you could call this a queen trap as my opponent resigned after losing her
Originally posted by DeepThoughtNot really a Q trap, but still a spectacular finish.
Not one of my games sadly, this is between burningbush and Rogerbr from the middle of last year. I added a couple of moves to the end of the game to show what would happen if white tried to recapture the queen:[pgn][Event "Open invite"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2015.06.24"]
[EndDate "2015.07.20"]
[Round "?"]
[White "burnin ...[text shortened]... e it's clever} 28. fxg3 Rxh2 29. Kxh2 {Forced as the bishop covers g1} Rh8 {Beautiful} 0-1[/pgn]
Maybe I should just open the thread for spectacular wins of any type. 😵
Originally posted by vendaThe queen's covering b3 so there's no need, white needs some counterplay so with the c-file half-open and black's c-pawn backwards, I'd be looking to put the rook on c1 the queen on c2 and maybe sacrifice the knight to try to smash my way into black's position.
With hindsight the trade was a blunder, but I think white was frightened of the passed b pawn which is why the rook went to b1
Originally posted by BigDoggProblemSo you want positions where the queen is in checkmate so to speak - does this include pins, because I've no end of games that went 1. e4 d5 2. exd5 Qxd5 3. Nc3 Qc6 4. Bb5...
Not really a Q trap, but still a spectacular finish.
Maybe I should just open the thread for spectacular wins of any type. 😵