I never play much of queens gambit. But it is surely a weapon against beginners for no doubt. 😵 Game 1951425
Originally posted by rathishAnything is a weapon against those who miss simple tactics (pin of the e-pawn) and don't castle their king.
I never play much of queens gambit. But it is surely a weapon against beginners for no doubt. 😵 Game 1951425
Originally posted by rathishYeah, little tactical tricks like taking advantage of that absolute pin can catch the weaker players off guard, and they never know what hit them until its too late. 🙂
I never play much of queens gambit. But it is surely a weapon against beginners for no doubt. 😵 Game 1951425
Originally posted by rathishthanks, some guy started started playing that aganist me and as usual i didn't have a clue what it was called.
I never play much of queens gambit. But it is surely a weapon against beginners for no doubt. 😵 Game 1951425
Originally posted by rathishqueens gambit is powerful for white ONLY if black accepts.
I never play much of queens gambit. But it is surely a weapon against beginners for no doubt. 😵 Game 1951425
My brother and i play queens gambit and i never accept the pawn, and i always always always steam roll him (nice game though)