This is a two in one question
First is a general thing about bishop placement here. Blacks black bishop is on a7 but doesnt have much space. However i thought it was really good until someone told me it wasnt doing much. I think with it eying the white king it is very well placed on a open diagnol. What you think or should i stop putting bishops there (when they get chased away by pawns usually)?
Second, in positions like this, whites knight is doomed and his king could be opened up this move. Would you try to move our king over to the queenside or maybe try: Kh1, Rg1?
Originally posted by Santa DrummerI am assuming that that game is complete. First off the bishop is fine back there, but it's not usually worth the tempo to move it there untill it is attacked (I say usually since all rules have an exception). Another thing to remember is that while it is more or less impervious to attack back there, it has a smaller area of influence than it did at c5.
This is a two in one question
[fen]r4rk1/bpp2ppp/p1np1q2/4p3/2B1P1b1/2NP1N2/PPP2PPP/R2Q1RK1 w - - 0 1 [/fen]
First is a general thing about bishop placement here. Blacks black bishop is on a7 but doesnt have much space. However i thought it was really good until someone told me it wasnt doing much. I think with it eying the white king it is very ...[text shortened]... pened up this move. Would you try to move our king over to the queenside or maybe try: Kh1, Rg1?
Yes I would probably play for a kingside attack from that position dependant on how black recaptures. How you go about it is your own business.
First of all, the bishop in a7 in THIS particular position is excellently placed! It is not obstructed at all, and it coordinates perfectly with the Black plan of a direct king's attack. For the second part, White seems toast here for what in God's name is he going to do against a knight intrusion on d4 and if necessary the f5 push after due preperation? White is cooked here buddy. This seems as a winning position for "El Blackos"!😀
In that position, white made a few poor choice to trade off his dark square bishop for white's knight on f6. Not only does he give up the bishop pair, but he cannot protect his kingside from being messed up.
The bishop on a7 is well placed, but no better than on c5 or anywhere else on the diagonal. Don't spend the tempo moving it unless it's attacked.