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Resign, why don't you!?

Resign, why don't you!?

Only Chess


I have Q v Kt and equal pawns yet my opponent plays on. How can I politely urge him/her to resign and stop disrespecting me?


Originally posted by Coach David
I have Q v Kt and equal pawns yet my opponent plays on. How can I politely urge him/her to resign and stop disrespecting me?
Quit yer whining and just checkmate him already.


Originally posted by Coach David
I have Q v Kt and equal pawns yet my opponent plays on. How can I politely urge him/her to resign and stop disrespecting me?
As long as your opponent has a legal move he can make, he has the right to play it. As far as disrespect goes, starting a thread whining about an opponent's refusal to resign is disrespectful. I can only hope he sees this and starts moving as slowly as possible, and start sacing pieces to prolong the game. 😛


Coach David,
Use your time to be as efficient and as destructive as possible. Just consider it practice.


Originally posted by Coach David
I have Q v Kt and equal pawns yet my opponent plays on. How can I politely urge him/her to resign and stop disrespecting me?
You are impolite and deserve full disrespect.


Is anyone else choking on the irony?

1 edit

You're playing on in this position ? Game 10368925

Time to get back on the coach, David


Originally posted by Coach David
I have Q v Kt and equal pawns yet my opponent plays on. How can I politely urge him/her to resign and stop disrespecting me?
Who was the Grandmaster who said: You can give up a Parcel but not a game of chess?
(Maybe original German: "Du kannst ein Postpaket aufgeben, aber keine Schachpartie."😉

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Hi Coach.

The losing player always determines the right when the game will end.
At least let your opponent have that right.
He actually put up quite a show after losing for his Queen.

I knew I recognised that name.
I used one of your games in the test postions from RHP games in the re-write of [b[Mastering Chess[/b]


The sales BTW are going very well, Lessons 5- 9 on Opening Principles and Ideas
by Ian Harris is actually very good (not as good as my bit, but good none the less.) 🙂

Come to think of it Coach, why did you not resign? You were faced with a forced mate in two. Game 3584815 😉

batjuchin - Coach David RHP 2007

White only saw the continuation 21...Kh8 22.Ng6+ Kh7 23.Nf8+ etc etc...
so being a piece down he was happy with the draw. White missed?

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If I missed a mate like that I would tear up my ECF Certificate of Excellence and throw it in the bin.

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That's the kind of position chess players live for. 😞

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Ouch. I'm sure I've missed a few smothered mates in my time, they're never there when I'm looking for them, hopefully now after a couple of years playing and attempting to improve my spidey senses will tingle when there's something like that on.

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Originally posted by thaughbaer
You're playing on in this position ? Game 10368925

Time to get back on the coach, David
I think the guy resigned.

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Originally posted by wolfgang59
You are impolite and deserve full disrespect.
What a brilliant comment. Hope you haven't copyrighted it as I intend to store it to memory and use it like an opening trap during an argument. 😀


I once, and only once, did a queen sac followed by a smothered mate. Having done it once, I think I would be much better at spotting them in the future, as I am sure I will never forget that finish.

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