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Resigning one move from checkmate

Resigning one move from checkmate

Only Chess


What's the point?


It's worth a smirk 😏


@a-unique-nickname said
What's the point?
Why bother prolonging the agony by making a futile move when checkmate is unavoidable on the opponents next move

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@venda said
Why bother prolonging the agony by making a futile move when checkmate is unavoidable on the opponents next move
Donald Byrne vs Robert James Fischer
"The Game of the Century"
Donald Byrne knew he was lost a good few moves before but he let the "kid" checkmate him


Depends on the game and the position.

A regular checkmate from a boring game can be resigned beforehand but a crazy game with a beautiful checkmate can be allowed to go to full mate.

I've done both.


@venda said
Why bother prolonging the agony by making a futile move when checkmate is unavoidable on the opponents next move
Hitting the resign button is going to be the same as making the move, if I went that far I'd just let them have the checkmate.


Game 14753705

This was the game, actually both against him but this one, throwing the rook away and then resigning 😂

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@a-unique-nickname said
Game 14753705

This was the game, actually both against him but this one, throwing the rook away and then resigning 😂
Game 15146449
I just resigned this when checkmate was next move
I strongly suspect this chap is a returning player but I accepted the challenge anyway just for the hell of it to see how strong he really was!

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@venda said
Game 15146449
I just resigned this when checkmate was next move
I strongly suspect this chap is a returning player but I accepted the challenge anyway just for the hell of it to see how strong he really was!
A bit different, yours was a blunder that resulted in checkmate... Actually why did you not take the bishop after he took the Knight?

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After 20. QXd5, 21. Rxc7 and black has a difficult position and will do well to secure a draw.

Nice even (but uneventful) game until then, but the position after 22. Rc6 is lost for black

Of course after ... 23 Qa8?? it's mate in a few moves after 24 Qg4 .....

I guess @venda didn't want to prolong the inevitable ..



@a-unique-nickname said
Game 14753705

This was the game, actually both against him but this one, throwing the rook away and then resigning 😂
I knew it would be short toes...

Just accept that you've won, and don't bother demanding laurels for it.

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Oddly enough I touch on this, resigning one move from mate in the next blog
which I am fine tuning, maybe have it posted later today.

There is an incredible amount of games drawn by players not knowing how to
mate with a Bishop and Knight. (though it is not through the lack of trying)
One player has drawn this 4 times out of 5 Their one win being when their opponent
resigned as soon as the ending appeared because they assumed they knew how to do it!

In another game with a different player we get a KBN v K ending on or
about move 60 and the mate is eventually delivered on move 185.

I'm hinting that the losing player could have claimed a draw but it would have been
more fun to wait until they were one move from being mated and then resign!

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@a-unique-nickname said
A bit different, yours was a blunder that resulted in checkmate... Actually why did you not take the bishop after he took the Knight?
Because it gives him a rook on the 7th rank and a double attack on my bishop

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