Originally posted by greenpawn34yes it works
Here is the link.
Of over 3,000 RHP 2012 Championship games in PGN format.
Thank you Maitkenhead.
Can one or two try it to see if it works. (It worked OK for me)
before I post a link in the latest blog.
Just a quick post, yes/no.
Originally posted by Paul LeggettOr just make it a totally separate buy. I know I'm not really one to speak since I don't support the site with my money but I'm sure they could use some extra currency by selling it seperately.
Thank you for doing this. I would pay $$ for the complete RHP database. I suggested that it would be a substantial carrot to wave in front of potential subscribers in the site ideas forum, but we'll see if anything comes of it.
Originally posted by tomtom232Many of the games will be of low/variable quality as there are many beginners on here so such an unfiltered collection would not be very useful.
Or just make it a totally separate buy. I know I'm not really one to speak since I don't support the site with my money but I'm sure they could use some extra currency by selling it seperately.
There are many databases around the net
This Week in Chess - TWIC does a weekly roundup of chess games. I use this to keep my megabase up to date. I group the last 6 months of TWIC to see if there are any new trends in my openings. There are plenty of free database programs to view the games
New in Chess NicBase has 1.5 million high class games with an opening classifier
Kingshill is correct a lot of games are abandoned after 4 to 5 moves
and there are some pretty awful blunders.
But there will be a chunk of games, like those I have just downloaded where
you skip through testing your inner eye to spot something.
Try it. Pluck any game at random.
If the game is long enough (more than 20 moves) you should see something.
I need a random game.
The thread number of this thread is 145652.
We take the first 4 digits and look at game 1456.
Mister Biggins - Tom Morrow RHP Ch 2012 (game 1456)
(Another simple joy is looking at the crazy names. Tom Morrow!)
Black misses load of chances in his Kingside attack. He has a winner based on a pin.
Can you see it? It's a move he has a chance to play again and again.
When it is played it is far too late.
White takes over. Can you spot the Rook sac that forces Black to
give up his Queen? (again based on a pin.)
Then can you see the Black missed win in the ending? (worth the fee alone.)
(I could have built an entire blog around just this one game.) 🙂
Just go through the game a move at a time and wait for the 'hit'.
(you should get a few on the Black attack.) The Rook sac and the ending
are one movers. They should bounce out at you.
This sort of training you won't get from a DB of master games.
There the chances are not left on and the hits are spotted and played.
I could just post the 3 positions and say go for it.
No, this is Blunder Spotting a much finer art. An aquired and required skill.
Anyone can play the winning move - but first you Must See the winning move.
Such exercises build up your ability to see things.
OK flick through the game - what do you see?
(and have I missed something? I don't know, but I have found 3 hits
from a random game chosen based on the number of this thread.)
If you want to try it don't give the solutions: Just say all 3 or 2 out of 3 etc.
Originally posted by greenpawn34Wild game.
Kingshill is correct a lot of games are abandoned after 4 to 5 moves
and there are some pretty awful blunders.
But there will be a chunk of games, like those I have just downloaded where
you skip through testing your inner eye to spot something.
Try it. Pluck any game at random.
If the game is long enough (more than 20 moves) you should see som ...[text shortened]... Kg6 46. Rg5+ Kf7 47. Rxh5 Kg6 48. Rxh7 Kxh7 49. Kg5 Kg8 50.e6 c4 51. Kg6 cxd3 52. e7[/pgn]
Black misses load of chances in his Kingside attack. He has a winner based on a pin.
Can you see it? It's a move he has a chance to play again and again.
When it is played it is far too late.
Black should play 15...h5 here the threat of hxg4+ and the coming open
h-file put White in a severe trouble. He is lost after 15...h5.
White takes over. Can you spot the Rook sac that forces Black to
give up his Queen? (again based on a pin.)
White could have played 33 Rxc5 (either Rook works.) 33....bxc5 34.Rxc5.
The mating threat on c7 forces 34...f6/f5. That losses the Black Queen.
Then can you see the Black missed win in the ending? (worth the fee alone.)
Originally posted by greenpawn34Brilliant post! Just goes to show there's something in every game. I must admit I only spotted black's first pin and missed the other two winning opportunities...
Black misses load of chances in his Kingside attack. He has a winner based on a pin.
Can you see it? It's a move he has a chance to play again and again.
When it is played it is far too late.
[fen]2kr3r/ppp2p1p/2npb1p1/2b1p3/2P1PqPP/2NP1N1K/PPB2P2/R2Q2R1 b - - 0 15[/fen]
Black should play 15...h5 here the threat of hxg4+ and the coming open
...[text shortened]... Ke8 52. f7+ {Now 6....Kf8 and 7.Kf6 White wins.} 52... Ke7 53. Kg6 b1=Q 54. Kg7 Qg1+[/pgn]
Originally posted by greenpawn34
Black misses load of chances in his Kingside attack. He has a winner based on a pin.
Can you see it? It's a move he has a chance to play again and again.
When it is played it is far too late.
[fen]2kr3r/ppp2p1p/2npb1p1/2b1p3/2P1PqPP/2NP1N1K/PPB2P2/R2Q2R1 b - - 0 15[/fen]
Black should play 15...h5 here the threat of hxg4+ and the coming open
...[text shortened]... . f7+ {Now 6....Kf8 and 7.Kf6 White wins.} 52... Ke7 53. Kg6 b1=Q 54. Kg7 Qg1+ {yes?}[/pgn]