Originally posted by paulbuchmanfromficsThat's what I mean... Create a set piece game where you win on your move.
Maybe you could alter the starting position first. Like put the king on d1 and queen on e1 and work a fools mate from that angle. 🙂
Whatever you do, don't give their side the castling option. hehe
Originally posted by MilkyJoeCan't you cancel a game within the first move or 2 anyway?
Would/could you set up a game with a player with an unbeaten record with a set piece game whereby you win without them even moving (for example, a Fool's Mate)? I done this to somebody I know who didn't think you could win in two moves... So I showed him you could by doing this.
Either way, please don't do it to me 🙂
Originally posted by paulbuchmanfromficsBut then they would have to move and if they had an unbeaten record they would probably just cancel the game... unless you are a good at composing problems like SwissGambit... then you can make it look like they are winning but have a sneaky win in there.
You may have to set up a position from a miniature with a three move combination then. By the way, losing a set game doesn't affect your profile wins/losses record.