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Second Game / Quicker Rules

Second Game / Quicker Rules

Only Chess

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I am so impressed with the idea jcandance came up with for a group game I am starting a second one. These rules will let the game perhaps progress a bit quicker... and let people actually root for either White or Black.

1. Once you make a move for a color you are on that team. So if you move for White you can only make White moves.

2. You can't make 2 moves in a row, and you can't make more than 4 moves per 10 moves made.

3. If either rule is broken a player can elect to take moves back... this is only if one of these moves is broken. (Like someone who should make White moves moves for Black... or someone making too many moves in the game.)

I will keep track of the game and make a list of White Team Vs. Black Team... if there is any interest in this thread. I will not be watching for errors like too many moves per 10... unless it is my turn to move. It's up to all the players to keep it honest.

Simple... Now someone Cast The First Move! I'm gonna root for Black, the underdog.....

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Ok, I shall now join (or perhaps 'found' would be more accurate than 'join' 😕) the White team.

***MOVE*** 1. d4

I too was impressed about this idea (actually I have thought about something similar but never realized this could be done here) but right now am too lazy to read through the other game thread and participate. Maybe later.

(I think moves of the game should be marked by ***MOVE*** (or something else if you find that stupid) to easen finding them among all the chat that shall probably take place)

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Phlabibit is now a Black Member!

Here is my move. (thanx for joining, Rabella... good luck to you and the other White Players.)

>MOVE<- 1. ...d5

1. d4 d5

Yes, it would be nice for each member to declare their team and be sure their move is understood.

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2. c2-c4 ...

Hello there I'm on the white team !!

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this is a great idea....how are you keeping track? I am definately not gifted enough to keep up with this in my head.

I would love to join, but i dont have any programs, or a chessboard at work to keep track with....

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Originally posted by fulcherjl
this is a great idea....how are you keeping track? I am definately not gifted enough to keep up with this in my head.

I would love to join, but i dont have any programs, or a chessboard at work to keep track with....

Go here....


Get "Winboard or Xboard depending on what kind of Operation System you run.....

This program lets you track games... just type the moves in or move the pieces by hand.

You can even use it for games in progress by downloading the pgn files and pasting into your version of winboard.

Here is the game so far: (alt + V will paste into the board and play the game......

1. d4 d5 2. c4

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Great idea. I'll play for Black - my move f6 🙂

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***MOVE*** 3.cxd5

I guess that makes me a member of the white team.

Love the idea by the way. The only problem I could foresee would be that the players on the teams would be unequally distributed, ratings-wise that is.

I think it would be a great idea that if after this game was done, we'd analyze it together in another thread... going through the move list move by move, and commenting on each move, and possible better alternatives. That would be a great way for players of various levels to learn and teach by following/participating in the game and it's analysis.


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great points, pyrrho. Will be interesting to see if sides get lop sided.

Talking about the game will be great fun, as it is with any game!

Here are the moves so far... once the game gets in a bit I will also list the teams White Vs. Black!

1. d4 d5 2. c4 f6 3. cxd5

Blacks turn..... lets see who wanders in!

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Well,Black is already worse here,so I guess I'll wander in on the black side.Gotta live up to the name,you know 😉

****move****3. ...,Qxd5

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awwww, why couldn't we finish my game first, I got my board already set up for that one!

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Originally posted by jcandance
awwww, why couldn't we finish my game first, I got my board already set up for that one!
I'm still in! If there's others interested, I'll continue to participate in that one also. 🙂


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I'm totally against the belgians....

4. Nc3!!!



EDIT: But what if someone deliberatly ruins the game with a queen 'sacrifice'? I guess you should be the judge, Trav, you should decide wether a move is aproved or not!

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I know I'm going to get shot for this move...


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Originally posted by TimmyToilet
I know I'm going to get shot for this move...


5. e4

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