This thread might fail by being to simple but here goes 🙂
I want a thread for simple opening tactics - here are 3 to start with, they rarely get played but the threat of them affects the way I play openings. please add more 🙂 🙂
1 Loss of Queen
2 Loss of Rook
3 Marshalls Mate
please add more 🙂 any opening tricks in particular, there's another early queen trap but I've forgotten it...
Edit the Marshalls mate line is wrong, but people still fall for it even when it is - black can win...
Originally posted by SwissGambittres bien 🙂
Damiano's Defense
[Event "Edited game"]
[Date "2013.09.20"]
[Round "-"]
[White "-"]
[Black "-"]
[Result "*"]
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 f6 3. Nxe5 fxe5 { ?? 3...Qe7 is the only sane move. } 4. Qh5+ { ...g6 Qxe5+ and bye bye Rh8. } 4... Ke7 5. Qxe5+ Kf7 6. Bc4+ Kg6 7. Qf5+ Kh6 8. d4+ g5 9. h4 { and if black escapes this alive, he's a defensive miracle-worker. }
Happy Halloween 1
White plays for the fools mate, its hard to defend, try to get rooks on e1 and d1.
Happy Halloween 2
Guard the d6 pawn, try to fork blacks rook by threatening c7 with the knight. 🙂
Hi SG.
The second one with the Pawn Fork Trick in the Pirc.
You need to go further, in some cases further than some books on the Pirc do.
here after 6...Nxe4
A common reply is 7.Bxf7+ we have both been on the Black side of this on here.
One of yours is Game 6971092 and mine is Game 5382472
After 7...Rxf7 8.Nxe4
Black must pause for 8...h6 to stop the awkward Ng5 (as we both did.)
Now it's now theory, I recall back in the early days is was not mentioned and
stopped where you did.
I hit on 8...h6 after getting walloped OTB because I left it out.
Even with 8...h6 played there is still work to be done, though Black does
have the easier task, but even with h6 White has wins here and OTB.
Good thread, I've seen nothing new but keep up the good work, someone
will use an idea. These tricks and traps are older than God's dog but they
still catch people out.
tres bien Robbie!
An early fork for black.
White can play Qh5, but usually works better for black, I play it.
White has this nice counter - not sure how sound it is.
There is a made up opening called the Frankenstein Dracula Gambit (seriously!) I think its in this line, its stupidly complex with every trick in the book almost if you have it please post 🙂