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Strange opening: 1.e4 c5 2.Na3

Strange opening: 1.e4 c5 2.Na3

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As played by Vadim Zvjaginsev to beat Ruslan Ponomariov:

Has anyone seen this before, or played it themselves? I'll be trying it myself first chance I get!

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Originally posted by Fat Lady
As played by Vadim Zvjaginsev to beat Ruslan Ponomariov:

Has anyone seen this before, or played it themselves? I'll be trying it myself first chance I get!
Check it out at Chesslab.com 😉 :


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Objectively it cannot be good, Black is equal after 2 moves, but it does have the merit of taking the game out of theory, which in the Sicilian there's a huge amount of.

Interestingly it can set up a trap for greedy little computers to fall into

[Event "Blitz:10',P600"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2001.06.24"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Nemeth, Eduard"]
[Black "Deep Fritz, 64Mb"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B20"]
[PlyCount "53"]
[EventDate "2001.??.??"]
[SourceDate "2004.11.04"]

1. e4 c5 2. Na3 Nc6 3. h3 Nf6 4. d4 cxd4 5. Bc4 Nxe4 6. Bxf7+ Kxf7 7. Qh5+ Ke6
8. Qg4+ Kd5 9. c4+ dxc3 10. Bf4 e5 11. O-O-O+ Nd4 12. Rxd4+ Kxd4 13. Nf3+ Kd5
14. Rd1+ Kc6 15. Nxe5+ Kb6 16. Nec4+ Kc5 17. Be3+ Kc6 18. Qxe4+ d5 19. Ne5+ Kc7
20. Nb5+ Kb8 21. Rxd5 Bd6 22. Nxd6 cxb2+ 23. Kxb2 Qf6 24. Rc5 Qxf2+ 25. Bxf2 b6
26. Nd7+ Bxd7 27. Qb7# 1-0

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Originally posted by Siskin
Objectively it cannot be good, Black is equal after 2 moves, but it does have the merit of taking the game out of theory, which in the Sicilian there's a huge amount of.
I think that is the whole idea, to avoid theory. The sheer amount of theory that GMs have memorized almost makes following their tournaments and games meaningless for me.

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in big database 2004 black wins 8 times and draws once. no wins for white.

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Originally posted by Fat Lady
As played by Vadim Zvjaginsev to beat Ruslan Ponomariov:

Has anyone seen this before, or played it themselves? I'll be trying it myself first chance I get!
I was under the impression that this move while not normal has been played quite a bit, im sure theres some GM or another using it on a regular basis at the moment.

Edit oh yes, Zvjaginsev........I need more coffee, clearly.

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Hes been doing it for sometime.


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