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The Carlsen-Karjakin WCC match...

The Carlsen-Karjakin WCC match...

Only Chess

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...will be held in November at the South Street Seaport in NYC in November. This is an event that NYC chess needs as we have been in the doldrums for some time. Only one open 7 days a week club in the city(Marshall). And the place that chess tourists come to visit in the city is not the Marshall, but the Chess & Checkers House in Central Park!

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It's good a thread has been started. This gives us time for all the
New York members to get themselves organised.

Plastic Yellow Ducks!

They only cost a few cents each so you New Yorkers buy some and
leave them laying about all the place at the playing venue.

See if we can get one in the official site photograph.

Anyone who swaps, unseen the white e-pawn before the start
of a game will get special praise.

I'll go down to Old York (just a few hours on the train from Edinburgh and conduct things.)

Good Luck Men.

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Originally posted by sundown316
...will be held in November at the South Street Seaport in NYC in November. This is an event that NYC chess needs as we have been in the doldrums for some time. Only one open 7 days a week club in the city(Marshall). And the place that chess tourists come to visit in the city is not the Marshall, but the Chess & Checkers House in Central Park!
What are the pundits saying about the chances for Karj?

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slim, and none, especially after what Carlsen did to him at Bilbao Still it's good to see a new challenger, since I don't think anybody wanted another Carlsen-Anand tank job.

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Karjakin was not going to give anything away at Bilbao. So forget that one.

Capablanca, Alekhine, Fischer and Kasparov. Four great players
and yet each one had never even beaten their opponent when playing
in their first World Championship.at least Karjakin has one win over Carlsen.
(Carlsen has 4 in reply and there have been 16 draws.)

Hats off to Svidler who predicted in 2005/2006 that one
day these two would meet in a W.C Final. Both were child
prodigies and Karjakin is still the youngest ever GM.

Carlsen is the favourite but Caissa, as always, will have the last say
Looking forward it.

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
Karjakin was not going to give anything away at Bilbao. So forget that one.

Capablanca, Alekhine, Fischer and Kasparov. Four great players
and yet each one had never even beaten their opponent when playing
in their first World Championship.at least Karjakin has one win over Carlsen.
(Carlsen has 4 in reply and there have been 16 draws.)

Hats of ...[text shortened]... Carlsen is the favourite but Caissa, as always, will have the last say
Looking forward it.
Karjakin will have the last say. "I resign"

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Their styles are quite different, Carlsen it appears to my mind favours simple rational positions and would rather play on in positions with little risk waiting for his opponents mistakes. Karjakin by contrast likes play that is a little more dynamic and hypermodern in flavour. Here is a good example of his style, played with the white pieces against Anand in the Candidates.

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and this tactically brilliant game against Caruana also in the candidates.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
and this tactically brilliant game against Caruana also in the candidates.

[pgn][Event "World Championship Candidates"] [Site "Moscow RUS"] [Date "2016.03.28"] [EventDate "2016.03.10"] [Round "14"] [Result "1-0"] [White "Sergey Karjakin"] [Black "Fabiano Caruana"] [ECO "B67"] [WhiteElo "?"] [BlackElo "?"] [PlyCount "83"] 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd ...[text shortened]... .Rd4 d5 36.Qd2 Re4 37.Rxd5 exd5 38.Qxd5 Qc7 39.Qf5 Rf7 40.Bxf7 Qe5 41.Rd7+ Kf8 42.Rd8+ 1-0[/pgn]
Caruana, rhymes with Marijuana?


Originally posted by sonhouse
Caruana, rhymes with Marijuana?
Wesley So thanked the lord for his victory over Nakamura! 😲


Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Wesley So thanked the lord for his victory over Nakamura! 😲
Well, isn't that cheating? I mean, getting help from a frigging DEITY? I mean, the guy has his nerve, almost like using an engine, right?

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Well, isn't that cheating? I mean, getting help from a frigging DEITY? I mean, the guy has his nerve, almost like using an engine, right?
I must admit that I found it not a little uncomfortable and was immediately struck with the absurdity that 'the lord' should be interested in chess. No its not cheating, Wesley (who by the way is an immensely likeable young man (he has none of the arrogance of Nakamura or Anish Giri)) also thanked his seconds. So its not like correspondence chess where you can get no help these guys have teams of GM's finding ideas for them and one of the major factors is finding sidelines to avoid ones opponents preparation. Carlsen is an expert at this and in the recent Sinquefield Cup it was interesting to see young Jeffery Xiong walk right into Aronians home preparation, due to lack of experience.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I must admit that I found it not a little uncomfortable and was immediately struck with the absurdity that 'the lord' should be interested in chess. No its not cheating, Wesley (who by the way is an immensely likeable young man (he has none of the arrogance of Nakamura or Anish Giri)) also thanked his seconds. So its not like correspondence chess w ...[text shortened]... ght into Aronians home preparation, due to lack of experience.

Mr.Xiong is recovered quite nicely apparently

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Originally posted by ketchuplover
Mr.Xiong is recovered quite nicely apparently
Jeffers is awesome, super humble young man. New world junior champion I believe.


Hi Robbie,

" the recent Sinquefield Cup it was interesting to see young Jeffery Xiong
walk right into Aronians home preparation, due to lack of experience."

Not too sure what it's like on the Planet Robbie but on Earth Jeffrey Xiong
did not play in the recent Sinquefield Cup and he has never played Aronian.

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