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The Most "Open" Reply to 1.d4

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What would you consider to be the most open (tactically, spacially, etc.) but sound response Black could play against 1.d4?

I've thought about the Grunfeld, the Queen's Gambit Accepted, and even the Two Knight's Tango, but I'm looking for advice. All opinions welcome.

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Originally posted by wittywonka
What would you consider to be the most open (tactically, spacially, etc.) but sound response Black could play against 1.d4?

I've thought about the Grunfeld, the Queen's Gambit Accepted, and even the Two Knight's Tango, but I'm looking for advice. All opinions welcome.
Why not the KID?! Not sure if it is that open but things usually get pretty tactical. I'm still trying to use it the right but I'm sure that when I can do it I'll have a lot of fun.

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Originally posted by wittywonka
What would you consider to be the most open (tactically, spacially, etc.) but sound response Black could play against 1.d4?

I've thought about the Grunfeld, the Queen's Gambit Accepted, and even the Two Knight's Tango, but I'm looking for advice. All opinions welcome.
The Budapest, particulary in OTB.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
The Budapest, particulary in OTB.
Game 4150714
I have to say that game is a little bit cheesey though, because it's a database win (0-9 from 6...Be5!) from chesslive.de

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Originally posted by Squelchbelch
Game 4150714
I have to say that game is a little bit cheesey though, because it's a database win (0-9 from 6...Be5!) from chesslive.de
One of the advantages of the Budapest is it has a number of trappy lines that can lead to a quick Black victory.

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Originally posted by wittywonka
What would you consider to be the most open (tactically, spacially, etc.) but sound response Black could play against 1.d4?

I've thought about the Grunfeld, the Queen's Gambit Accepted, and even the Two Knight's Tango, but I'm looking for advice. All opinions welcome.
Probably the QGA as you say but also some lines of the Queen's Gambit Declined (e.g. Tarrasch, Vienna Variation) or the Semi Slav (e.g. Meran or Abrahams/Noteboom).

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Benoni can get tactical ? But also superclosed.

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I would say that the best way to open up the position as Black against the Queen's Gambit would be to play the Tarrasch Defense (1 d4 d5 2 c4 e6 3 Nc3 c5). Blacks usually ends up with an isolated d-pawn in many variations, but as compensation he gets active piece play. Kasparov used to play it. (I think some guy named Siegbert Tarrasch may have trotted it out a time or two) 🙂

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Probably the Grunfeld and QGA.

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Benoni (Old and Modern) and KID

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Originally posted by Korch
Benoni (Old and Modern) and KID
It seems to me that in both the Benoni and King's Indian, that Black concedes a big space advantage to White with the idea of undermining the advanced pawns and counterattacking with pieces in the middlegame. In the Tarrasch Defense, Black immediately liberates all of this pieces.

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Originally posted by gaychessplayer
It seems to me that in both the Benoni and King's Indian, that Black concedes a big space advantage to White with the idea of undermining the advanced pawns and counterattacking with pieces in the middlegame. In the Tarrasch Defense, Black immediately liberates all of this pieces.
In all these openings black gets good piece play and in each opening they have to pay some price - in Tarrasch "price" is black isolated pawn in KID and Benoni - space advantage for white. It`s the matter of taste which one to choose.

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What about the Albin-Counter Gambit?!

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Originally posted by Korch
In all these openings black gets good piece play and in each opening they have to pay some price - in Tarrasch "price" is black isolated pawn in KID and Benoni - space advantage for white. It`s the matter of taste which one to choose.
I completely agree that it's a matter of taste. In general, I prefer to acitivate all of my pieces as soon as possible, even if it costs a pawn. Hence my fondness for gambits, even as Black.

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