Originally posted by Thabtoswhat happened to h4! we play h4 to make the g pawn advance and those two pawns
The thing I've never liked about old C38 is that black can almost always give that pawn back in more favorable circumstances, and white will always have a weak KS.
[pgn][Event "November 2011 Mini Banded Threesomes II 1575-1600"] [Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"] [Date "2011.12.03"] [EndDate "2012.01.09"] [Round "1"] [White "Odinson"] [Black "Thabtos"] ...[text shortened]...
(Oh I got to keep the pawn in this one I think, but still...weak KS.
on f4 and g4 make quite nice targets.
Originally posted by ThabtosKing side pawns are for the meek.
The thing I've never liked about old C38 is that black can almost always give that pawn back in more favorable circumstances, and white will always have a weak KS.
[pgn][Event "November 2011 Mini Banded Threesomes II 1575-1600"] [Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"] [Date "2011.12.03"] [EndDate "2012.01.09"] [Round "1"] [White "Odinson"] [Black "Thabtos"]
(Oh I got to keep the pawn in this one I think, but still...weak KS.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieThat's what they usually do, maybe it was to throw me out of book or something.
what happened to h4! we play h4 to make the g pawn advance and those two pawns
on f4 and g4 make quite nice targets.
Black castles QS and those two pawns on f4 and g4 also make quite nice weapons!
Originally posted by robbie carrobieGood 'on ya mate. I'd like to see you (and other players too) do more of this. I know I'll certainly read your take on these players ideas. Great way to get introduced to games.
I love this game of Spasskys, its just beautiful,
Boris Spassky vs Zsuzsa Polgar, 1988
[pgn] [Event "Wellington"] [Site "Wellington"] [Date "1988.??.??"] [Round "?"] [White "Boris Spassky"] [Black "Zsuzsa Polgar"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "C31"] [PlyCount "83"] [EventDate "1988.??.??"] 1. e4 e5 2. f4 {there are various ways to attack blacks centre b ...[text shortened]... eautiful game! Hope you enjoyed it as much as i did - regards Robbie}[/pgn]
Thanks for sharing!
Originally posted by PhySiQI really liked Spasskys play, normally one thinks of the Kings Gambit as being a real
Good 'on ya mate. I'd like to see you (and other players too) do more of this. I know I'll certainly read your take on these players ideas. Great way to get introduced to games.
Thanks for sharing!
melee, but Spasskys play was simply positionally sublime, anyhow Great Q your words
are too kind, after out last game which you won so easily i had almost thrown in the
towel with chess, yet your words of encouragement were like water in a desert region,
perhaps something might grow in time, who can say? kind regards Robbie.
I too love the King's Gambit.
As a consequence, I once as the great privilege of having a one on one conversation/ analysis session with David Bronstein on the Kings Gambit. He told me about his book on the opening, as yet unavailable in the west. He also showed me some beautiful lines. Could post some, if someone tells me how to post diagrams and comments in this forum.
For your enjoyment I include my most recent game on RHP, played to a decent standard I think. I think white does well to draw, as am convinced black is a little better after 4.Bc4, admittedly with plenty of opportunity to go wrong! 🙂
[GameId "9019533"]
1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Ng1f3 g5 4. Bf1c4 Bf8g7 5. d4 d6 6. O-O Nb8c6 7. c3 h6 8. Qd1a4 Bc8d7 9. Qa4b3 Nc6a5 10. Bc4xf7 Ke8e7 11. Qb3a3 Ke7xf7 12. Qa3xa5 c5 13. Qa5a3 cxd4 14. Qa3xd6 dxc3 15. Nb1xc3 Qd8b6 16. Qd6xb6 axb6 17. h4 Kf7g6 18. Rf1d1 Bd7c6 19. Rd1d6 Kg6h5 20. hxg5 hxg5 21. Kg1f2 Ng8f6 22. Bc1xf4 gxf4 23. Ra1h1 Kh5g4 24. Nf3e5 Kg4g5 25. Ne5f3 1/2-1/2
Originally posted by queenabber
I too love the King's Gambit.
As a consequence, I once as the great privilege of having a one on one conversation/ analysis session with David Bronstein on the Kings Gambit. He told me about his book on the opening, as yet unavailable in the west. He also showed me some beautiful lines. Could post some, if someone tells me how to post diagrams a . hxg5 hxg5 21. Kg1f2 Ng8f6 22. Bc1xf4 gxf4 23. Ra1h1 Kh5g4 24. Nf3e5 Kg4g5 25. Ne5f3 1/2-1/2
hi queenabber, its really easy, you just use the little pgn link, insert board from pgn,
putting annotations in is a little more tricky, you need to put them between two
brackets, these ones { }