the idea for this thread came about as a result of a post by eagle54 in the general forum.
this is a 'want ads' for mentor/mentee match ups.
please post here if you are looking for
1) a mentor to help you improve your chess
2) a mentee to share your knowledge with
i don't know exactly how the mechanism will work, but i suggest that when a mentee posts here, the corresponding mentor will also post that this mentee has been taken.
let's see if it works like this for a bit and get some feedback.
if it doesn't work, there are always other possibilities.
in friendship,
ps perhaps this thread should be in the meet opponents forum?
I am a very slow learner, in fact, I think I'm incapable of learning. I have played chess for years, practice and study it 4 hours a day, yet I still SUCK. I don't even know why I suck, I don't know the weakness in my games, I just lose perfectly good games all the time. If anyone wants to mentor someone difficult, go ahead, but I warn you, I am impossible and fail at everything. . .
Originally posted by usmc7257Everybody needs a mentor, because scince even the best chess players on the world still lose games, it's obvious that nobody's play is perfect! 🙂
LOL you could use a mentor like i could use another hole in my head...
I for one though, could really use a mentor, much more than Mephisto does, I'm still young, I can learn more and better! 😛 😉
Originally posted by mateuloseClearly, you don't fail at everything.
I am a very slow learner, in fact, I think I'm incapable of learning. I have played chess for years, practice and study it 4 hours a day, yet I still SUCK. I don't even know why I suck, I don't know the weakness in my games, I just lose perfectly good games all the time. If anyone wants to mentor someone difficult, go ahead, but I warn you, I am impossible and fail at everything. . .
You succeeded admirably... in relating the total futility of your life. Damn, I read your post and I had to fight off the temptation of slitting my wrists.
Forget chess, and become a writer instead.
Originally posted by SirLoseALoti would just look to play a couple of unrated games and spot out my problem habits/weakness and get pointed in the right direction on how to correct them.
What exactly do you guys think a mentor is supposed to do?Analyse games?Spot weaknessess?Provide a plan to work on improving those weaknesses?Play training games?Work out an entire study plan?All of the previous?
This is part of the point of my public games in this forum.
I am hoping that this idea will catch on and several people will review ongoing games and comment on them constructively. The only problem is that it takes quite a bit of time, and only a few people have contributed. I think mentoring one person is a lot of work, but with the public method many people can participate at once.
Anyway, after I finish some games (too many right now) I would be happy to play anyone in an annotated game (although I am a beginner and could only give helpful advice to players who are just starting).
Originally posted by usmc7257Apparently this is not getting anywhere.I'd hate to see such a good idea go to waste,so I'll be the first to step up as a 'mentor'.I'm new at this,but I think I should be able to help people up to a rating of 1400.I regularly get whooped by 1500's,so they're already to good for me to help 'em.
anyone wanna step up and become a MENTOR?
I can handle up to 10 unrated or set piece games with pointers and explanation of moves.In addition I can offer a basic tactics/endgame/mating pattern package.I've been assembling one for some time now,but it hasn't much content yet as I have little time to spare lately.You can also PM me with a single question about a FINISHED game.Please don't ask for complete analyses,that would be too timeconsuming.Questions like: 'Who do you think is better and why?' 'What do you think is the best move in this position,and why?' 'Can I win this endgame?' etc.. would be ok.I will answer to best of my knowledge.
So if you think you can learn from me,you know where to find me 😀
Let's hope many will follow my example so that I don't get swamped with requests for the rest of my life 🙂
Sir Lot.