Originally posted by watchyourbackrankInteresting game and nice annotations. In the position below, you say the "silicon monsters" suggested white Nfg5. I wonder why. White to move.
this guy PhySiQ is not easy to beat!
our 5th game once again lead to a promising position for me
but once again, my opp put up an immaculate defence
[Event "Challenge"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2012.02.05"]
[Round "?"]
[White "watchyourbackrank"]
[Black "PhySiQ"]
[Result "*"]
[ECO "E18"]
[WhiteElo "1922"]
[Blac 55. Rxc6 {my opp naturally accepted the draw offer} [/pgn]
Is this position below, you ask in part if this is a winning end game for white. I would think it at least a draw (which you thought also I guess and which was the outcome of the game). Normally, I prefer to have to the N instead of the B. Also, white's backward pawns bother me a little. Black to move.
Originally posted by moon1969i guess the silicon "sees" tricks involving the unprotected bishop on b7.
Interesting game and nice annotations. In the position below, you say the "silicon monsters" suggested white Nfg5. I wonder why. White to move.
[fen]r2q1rk1/pbpn2p1/1p1ppb1p/8/2PPN3/5NP1/PP1Q1PBP/3RR1K1 w - - 0 15[/fen]
for instance hxg5 is met by Nxf6+ after which the bishop on b7 is hanging
Originally posted by moon1969
Is this position below, you ask in part if this is a winning end game for white. I would think it at least a draw (which you thought also I guess and which was the outcome of the game). Normally, I prefer to have to the N instead of the B. Also, white's backward pawns bother me a little. Black to move.
[fen]5n1k/6p1/pppp1r1p/8/P1P2P1P/1P3BP1/4R2K/8 b - - 0 35[/fen]
very interesting. i would prefer the white pieces anytime. not saying it's winning (game proved otherwise) but, at least to me, preferable.
Mr. Backrank, I didn't know you were going to annotate this. I apologize for not getting in here and doing my side earlier - I didn't notice it until this morning. You have covered the game very well. Good on you for the coverage throughout.
I'll apologize beforehand. I have been very busy lately, and probably won't be checking back on these articles to field any questions, or more analysis for quite some time. I'm sorry for the lack of support.
Watchyourbackrank has made good annotations, explaining the game, while his opponent is making his usual empty "bla bla bla" (compare their annotations on 38th move, for example).
Also Q has stated some interesting facts about himself 1) he does not use opening books/databases during the game 2) he is not too familiar with QID, despite of claim that OID "is his heart" made in his profile. See his annotation on White`s 9th move.
Originally posted by PacifiqueDifferent types of game comments are more or less valuable, depending on the audience. That you did not find certain comments to be valuable to you is a subjective assessment, not an objective one.
Watchyourbackrank has made good annotations, explaining the game, while his opponent is making his usual empty "bla bla bla" (compare their annotations on 38th move, for example).
Also Q has stated some interesting facts about himself 1) he does not use opening books/databases during the game 2) he is not too familiar with QID, despite of claim that OID "is his heart" made in his profile. See his annotation on White`s 9th move.
The only clear message I got from your post is that you have some kind of axe to grind. You have had some valuable and insightful posts here at times (to me, at least), but posts such as this attract the "forum troll" label, which means otherwise valuable future posts run the risk of being ignored as simply more trolling.
Originally posted by Paul LeggettEvery opinion is subjective. And everyone has the right to his own opinion, even if others may disagree.
Different types of game comments are more or less valuable, depending on the audience. That you did not find certain comments to be valuable to you is a subjective assessment, not an objective one.
The only clear message I got from your post is that you have some kind of axe to grind. You have had some valuable and insightful posts here at times (t ...[text shortened]... means otherwise valuable future posts run the risk of being ignored as simply more trolling.
You may thumb my posts down or call me a troll, but you will not make me silent if I see crappy annotations which explain nothing and are made just to demonstrate non-existing chess knowledge.
The worst thing about charlatans like Q is that they are misleading lower ranked players. So don`t expect any tolerance from me in this matter.
Originally posted by PacifiquePacifique has shared why the axe is being applied to the grindstone, and all I will say is that the internet is a crazy place sometimes! At least I understand now.
Every opinion is subjective. And everyone has the right to his own opinion, even if others may disagree.
You may thumb my posts down or call me a troll, but you will not make me silent if I see crappy annotations which explain nothing and are made just to demonstrate non-existing chess knowledge.
The worst thing about charlatans like Q is that they are misleading lower ranked players. So don`t expect any tolerance from me in this matter.
My previous post in this thread seems to be the reason why I received "friendly" message from Q in chess.com yesterday. His blitz rating and his games there was a good indicator of his real chess strength.
I discussed this matter (via PMs) with some other RHP user we found out that his chess.com account was similar to some other RHP accounts.
Read Thread 127460 for example and make your own conclusions.
Originally posted by PacifiqueYes, Skeeter, but we know what you are as well.
My previous post in this thread seems to be the reason why I received "friendly" message from Q in chess.com yesterday. His blitz rating and his games there was a good indicator of his real chess strength.