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What's this opening called?

What's this opening called?

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Originally posted by Steve Exeter
[fen]rnbqk2r/pp2ppbp/3p1np1/2p5/2PPPP2/2N5/PP4PP/R1BQKBNR w KQkq c6 0 6[/fen]
That's the Pawn Pushing Frenzy opening.

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Well there are over 1000 occurences of it on www.chesslive.de so it must be a known line. I just can't place a name for it?! 😕

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Originally posted by Steve Exeter
Well there are over 1000 occurences of it on www.chesslive.de so it must be a known line. I just can't place a name for it?! 😕
Yes, I've seen it before as well. I'm not sure of it's real name.

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It looks like some kind of Grand Prix Attack variant.

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Four pawns attack of the KID

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Originally posted by LordOfTheChessboard
Four pawns attack of the KID
Yes, surprisingly enough, it's called the four pawn's attack, a useful strategy against all the modern defences.

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"Four pawns attack of the KID" sounds very Conan Doyle, doesn't it?

"Unhand me, you ruffian!"

"Ruffian? Why, you mistake me, Professor Moriarty."

"Not - Holmes?"


"Lestrade of the Yard?"

"Close, but no - it is I (yanks off mask)...Four Pawns Attack of the KID."

"Noooooo!" (they grapple unconvincingly and fall into a puddle)

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Originally posted by LordOfTheChessboard
Four pawns attack of the KID
you saw it and called it first
kings indian defence 4 pawn attack

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Originally posted by Steve Exeter
[fen]rnbqk2r/pp2ppbp/3p1np1/2p5/2PPPP2/2N5/PP4PP/R1BQKBNR w KQkq c6 0 6[/fen]
I believe that looks like the pawns attack! Isn't it called four pawns attack? Sorry, I just read the last response. Yeah, that's right. Four Pawns attack! Neat little opening. hehe I don't know if I'd like to play it though.

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LOL - Amaurote 😀
nice one.

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I've got some experience with this line.

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. f4

The most common response is 5. ... 0-0 (it's what I play when facing it). The position Exy gave was after 5. ... c5.

Like so:
Game 1431447

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Originally posted by XanthosNZ
I've got some experience with this line.

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. f4

The most common response is 5. ... 0-0 (it's what I play when facing it). The position Exy gave was after 5. ... c5.

Like so:
Game 1431447
I'm just wondering, Xanthos, is that pawn on b2 poisoned?

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Originally posted by Amaurote
I'm just wondering, Xanthos, is that pawn on b2 poisoned?
12. ... Qxb2?! 13. Na4 (double attack) Qa3 (13. ... Qb4? 14. Rb1 15. Qa3 Bc1 +-) 14. Bc1 Qb4 15. Bd2 = (if white wants a draw then he can have one as black would be at a disadvantage if he didn't repeat the position)

So black doesn't gain any advantage by taking the pawn but it isn't in its self a bad move.

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Originally posted by LordOfTheChessboard
Four pawns attack of the KID
Many thanks. 🙂

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