I will repeat from a previous post- if you love fine ebony and boxwood sets you can not beat the quality and price for this set- $100.00 USD for a set that Jaques of London would easily get $1,400.00+ for, and HOS would charge a good 600.00. The 3.5 inch professional series, www.jaqueshouse.com The big secret that Jaques london and HOS don't want you to know- their sets are made in India. These pieces are stunning!
Originally posted by AkashicIn a manner of speaking, yes:
Are the extra 16 just in case you lose some?
1. a4 b5
2. c4 d5
3. e4 f5
4. g4 h5
5. g5 Rh6
6. gxh6 Nf6
7. Be2 g5
8. Bg4 hxg4
9. e5 Kf7
10. exf6 Nd7
11. Nc3 Nb8
12. Ne4 fxe4
13. Ra3 Be6
14. c5 d4
15. Rc3 dxc3
16. c6 Nd7
17. cxd7 b4
18. b3 Rb8
19. Ba3 bxa3
20. a5 Rb6
21. axb6 a2
22. b7 a5
23. b4 a4
24. b5 a3
25. b6 c5
26. d4 c2
27. d5 c4
28. d6 c3
29. f4 e3
30. f5 Kg8
31. Qf3 g3
32. h4 g2
33. Rh3 Kh7
34. f7 g4
35. f6 Kg6
36. Qc6 Kf5
37. h5 g3
38. Ke2 Bd5
39. Qc8 e5
40. h7 Bb3
41. Kd3 e2
42. h6 e4+
43. Kd4 e3
44. Rh4 Kg5
45. Re4 Bg7
46. Re8 Kh4
47. Nh3 Kxh3
48. Kc5 Bf8
49. Rxf8 Qxf8
50. Kc6 Bc4
51. Kc7 Kh2
52. Kb8 Kh1
53. Ka8 Qg7
54. Qxc4 Qg4
55. b8=Q g1=Q
56. Qa7 Qh2
57. b7 g2
58. d8=Q g1=Q
59. Qcc8 Q4g2
60. Qc6 e1=Q
61. b8=Q Qeg3
62. Qdb6 e2
63. d7 e1=Q
64. d8=Q c1=Q
65. f8=Q Qce3
66. Qfd6 c2
67. f7 c1=Q
68. f8=Q a1=Q
69. h8=Q a2
70. h7 Qab2
71. Qhg7 a1=Q
72. h8=Q
besides all that jargon, get one that looks cool.... a glass one!
I have a small travel one that is not magnetic, but the pieces have little pegs under them that fit into holes which lie in the center of each square... its pretty good, comes with a leather case... but I was thinking of taking the board out, framing it and putting it on my wall so that I can adjust the pieces to reflect any position in any game I am playing whenever I want... I think it would be neat.
Oh, and the pieces are metal, they look pretty cool... I would recommend metal or glass.
Originally posted by BowmannBAHAHAHAHAHA! Nice one! Does that mean you're a drag Queen if you're dragging that many Queens across the board? BAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!
In a manner of speaking, yes:
1. a4 b5
2. c4 d5
3. e4 f5
4. g4 h5
5. g5 Rh6
6. gxh6 Nf6
7. Be2 g5
8. Bg4 hxg4
9. e5 Kf7
10. exf6 Nd7
11. Nc3 Nb8
12. Ne4 fxe4
13. Ra3 Be6
14. c5 d4
15. Rc3 dxc3
16. c6 Nd7
17. cxd7 b4
18. b3 Rb8
19. Ba3 bxa3
20. a5 Rb6
21. axb6 a2
22. b7 a5
23. b4 a4
24. b5 a3
25. b6 c5
26. d4 c2
27. d5 c4
28. d6 ...[text shortened]... Qce3
66. Qfd6 c2
67. f7 c1=Q
68. f8=Q a1=Q
69. h8=Q a2
70. h7 Qab2
71. Qhg7 a1=Q
72. h8=Q
Key word search "chess set" and spend a few evenings looking for that personal set. The nicest looking set to me is the "Marshall Series Staunton" set. It is about $400 to $500. The Professional Series is about $230 to $180. The Players Series is about $160 to $200. the Classic Series is about $100. The Marshall Series Premium Plastic Set is about $40. I have never seen a wooden board I truely liked, but the Drueke board is a nice one. Search and choose for yourself.
If you want a travel set. Consider Chessmate. You can find them on the net. They make a magnetic set with flat round pieces, just like in the diagrams. You can lie in bed and push the little pieces around until your wife gets disgusted. It folds up and you can put it in your breast pocket. The little pieces are quite easy to lose, however. One of my white pawns went over the hill now i have to shell out sixteen bucks for an entirely new set of pieces. I also have a beautiful peg set that stores the pieces inside the square board in two drawers. The carpentry is amazingly good. I picked it up at a flea market for a buck. It's gorgeous. I don't know where it's manufactured as it has no markings on it whatsoever. I would like to get a leather set with slots for the pieces, but I haven't seen them for sale anywhere. Everybody has gone magnetic. Good luck!
I have a nice magnetic double-sided roll-up chess set, with backgammon on the other side, allowing you to play chess, draughts and backgammon as you please. I'll have a look at the make and let you know.
Edit: lucky you're both American as I couldn't find it on UK Amazon.
I have a magnetic set and it's quite excellent. I bought it over in England and have no idea of who manufactured it, so you are on your own. I also have a glass set which needs to be disposed of. The board doesn't stay clean (the glue on the felt is bleeding through) and it's hard to distinguish the opaque pieces from the cloudy ones.
I would really like to find a nice marble set, but ever since I bought a $150 hand carved wooden set in Costa Rica only to have it stolenat a tournament, I havn't bothered with expensive sets.