This is one of my most recent and favorites.
Having won a Pawn early on, traded down the material.
Then sac'ed my N and a P to convert the material.
And a race to promote!
It had everything
Game 2269559
Here's a game I played and won. It's not a very good game (my opponent dropped a piece and made several defensive errors) but I like the finish.
White (1223) Black [me] 1230
1. e4 c5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. d4 cxd4
4. Nxd4 d6
5. Nc3 Nf6
6. f4 g6
7.Bb5 Bd7
8. Bxc6 Bxc6
9. e5 Nd7
10. e6 fxe6
11. Nxe6 Qb6
12. Na4?? Bxc6
13. Nxf8? Rxf8
14. Rf1? Qb4+
15. Bd2 Qe4+
16. Kf2 O-O-O
17. b3? Bc6
18. g3? e5
19. c4? exf4
20.gxf4 Qg2+
21.Ke3 Rde8+
22. Kd4 Rd4+
23. Kc3 Nc5
24. Rg1? Qh3+
25. Rg3 Qf5
26. Rg5? Qf6+
27. Kc2 Rxc4+!!
28. bxc4 Ba4+
29. Resign
Note all those questionmarks since he should've spent time defending instead of making useless threats.
What I like most about this game is that it illustrates the price of wasting tempo when under attack. He could've easily stopped my attack in 100 different ways.
Overall this is not a good game but I (as previously stated) Ilike the ending.
Originally posted by BishopcrwNice game
This is one of my most recent and favorites.
Having won a Pawn early on, traded down the material.
Then sac'ed my N and a P to convert the material.
And a race to promote!
It had everytihng
Game 2269559
I think I will have one soon. I was getting stuffed by a much lower rated opponent, but I think he has just let me play a brilliancy!
Ok, game is over: Game 2305343. I was really pleased to find 23...Nd2, which I had seen before I played 22....Rce8. The difficult move to find, however, was 24...Qg4, taking advantage of his unguarded back rank.
i posted this in another thread but i think it much more accurately fits this thread.
Yahoo: G/5
1. e4 e5 2. Nc3 d6 3. f4 exf4 4. Nf3 Ne7 5. d4 Ng6 6. Bc4 Bg4 7. h4 h5 8.Qd3 Bxf3 9. Qxf3 Be7 10. Bxf4 Nxh4 11. Qf2 Ng6 12. Bg5 O-O 13. Bxe7 Qxe7 14. Rxh5 Nc6 15. O-O-O Rae8 16. Rdh1 Na5 17. Nd5 Qd7 18. Nf6+ gxf6 19. Qxf6 {resigns 1-0}
my brilliant move being 17.Nd5 even though i could have played 17.Rxa5 unfortunately black didn't play his strongest defense of 17...Qxe5 18.Qg3!! +-
Originally posted by !~TONY~!Reminds me of this:
This has always been my happiest find on this site:
Game 1266292
Game 1976527
Game 2081599 a nice tangle
Game 2001839 musta been drunk on move 8, but this is a classic of why not to give up, my opponent slips up. think i did well to sacrifice to get queen out, though he could have made life harder. classy finish (i think)
Game 1996249
Didn't play particularly great chess and should have lost with three pawns breaking down the queenside but there was a nice fork during the game and I liked the finish.
Game 2308269
Just finished :-) delighted with the game...
No pieces captured until move 24, then the whole black defence collapsed.