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World Chess Championship (Game Four)

World Chess Championship (Game Four)

Only Chess


Game 4. A flag with a chess connection and a Ding Liren win.

Blog Post 554


If after 30. Nb3, Black had tried 30...c5 (bringing about the start of the below chess movie), this would have lost by force:

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Hi David,

That is a good line.
It's how I envisage doing this here. Punters pointing out the tricks and having a chat.
Also having a spot of fun.

I stayed away from engines (how can you tell?) and stayed with my guesses.
There are dozens (nay 100's) of sites/vids etc who will go deeper and deeper
into these games (and all sound the same due to engine use - but be spot on)
this is surface warts and all analysis, something different and I'm enjoying myself.

Great Match so far. Magnus Who?

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Magnus who? Is right 👍

We got a match boys!

Very interesting games so far and no doubt the next games will be interesting too.


Excellent Geoff
Why bother with the net when we have you?


Hi venda

And if (heaven forbid) we get an opening straight to end game draw
which can happen if Nepo plays a Petrov I'll ditch the game. I have
a smashing typical RHP game lined up to take it's place.

I see one of the online experts was looking at my f3 line.
He found it wanting but interesting enough to have a poke at it.
It does not work (obviously else Nepo would have fished in them waters.)
I'm just happy spotting the 2 bob tricks.

Later it was a pity Nepo never played g5 instead of Nd4, there was a lot
of interesting chess after g5. If this match continues to entertain I will no
doubt put up a 'Magnus Who?' opening screen,

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Interesting game that, not sure i'd bring myself to sacrifice a rook for a knight but it worked in that position.

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@a-unique-nickname said
Interesting game that, not sure i'd bring myself to sacrifice a rook for a knight but it worked in that position.
At our level,I think we're sometimes guilty of concentrating more on material advantage than positional and tactical


NEPO missed mate in 40 ... TRUST ME

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@venda said
At our level,I think we're sometimes guilty of concentrating more on material advantage than positional and tactical
You're right, unless i can see a quick way of getting the piece back or potential check mate tend to keep told of the important pieces when maybe the position would be better with a sacrifice. Saying that, we're also possibly not good enough to keep the better position after a sacrifice.

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