White 1.e4 and then slightly off-beat solid variations against all the
replies that 1.e4 can face.
As Black sharper tactical stuff that creates an inbalance.
Pircs/Moderns, Latvians, St.George, Kings Indians/Grunfelds.
Anything that avoids symetrical pawn formations - these always
tend to favour White deep into the middle game.
Here 1801 OTB 2001.
Kings Gambit as white, 2 Knights as black.
Of course if black doesn't play 1. ... e5 when I am white or white play ball when I am black these openings are not an option so a somewhat deeper repetoire is required.
The easy way to avoid all this theory nonsense is to play 1. g4 as white and 1. ... g5 as black (The Grob or Borg).
For white my favorite opening (not the opening that I play the most, but just for the beauty of it) Kings Indian Attack and for black Aljechin.
My rating here is still provisional (1200), but OTB I used to be around 1900 (before I realized that I would never become anything near a GM level).
White: Closed Sicilian - I end up with positions I'm comfortable with 90% of the time.
Black: Kings Indian - Almost always an exciting game, win or lose!
My OTB rating is around 2100 if you believe the ECF to FIDE conversion formula. I haven't played on RHP for so long that my rating here doesn't really mean anything.
White: Queen's Gambit Declined & Ruy Lopez
Black: v 1.d4 Nimzo-Indian or Semi-Slav, v 1.e4 Two Knights, French or Sveshnikov Sicilian.
However ask me in a couple of weeks and I will have changed my mind!
I used to love the Scheveningen Sicilian until I got beat up bad by Intermezzo User 342663 OTB in our local Indidividual Championship.
Rating on here about 1950-2000 OTB about 1900