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in this position white is to play, and prefers not to lose.

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1.Nxf5 exf5 2.Kd4 And it looks good, but 2...Kc6 is zugzwang for white.

Looking at what else white could do.. Best line so far


If 1...Kc5 2.Nc7 threatens to take the e-pawn, but the king can move back in to protect it.

If 1...Kc6 seems to be problematic for me though.. 2.Nd4+ isn't effective and I may start move 3 in the same situation..

If I could get black to initiate the exchange, or his king away, I might stand a chance..

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Originally posted by pootstick
[fen]8/8/3kp3/3p1n2/3N1P2/3K4/8/8 w - - 0 1[/fen]

in this position white is to play, and prefers not to lose.
(1) Nf5 - ef5
(2) Kd4
If (2) __ - Ke6, then (3) Kc5
If (2) __ - Kc6, then (3) Ke5

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the full solution requires a calculation of about 12 moves given the situation that, after an exchange, black will easily queen first.

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Having some trouble nailing it down exactly, but apparantly the exchange is white's only chance to draw.

Black will queen first, but white will be able queen as well, and as with most KQ v KQ endgames, it ends in draw.

White does have to play his lines more precisely, however..

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Originally posted by geepamoogle
Having some trouble nailing it down exactly, but apparantly the exchange is white's only chance to draw.

Black will queen first, but white will be able queen as well, and as with most KQ v KQ endgames, it ends in draw.

White does have to play his lines more precisely, however..
well, here's the position with best play after exchange:

black to move

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Originally posted by pootstick
well, here's the position with best play after exchange:

[fen]8/8/2k5/3pKp2/5P2/8/8/8 b - - 0 3[/fen]

black to move
1. ... Kc5
2. Kxf5 Kc4
3. Ke5 d4
4. f5 Kc3
5. f6 d3
6. f7 d2
7. f8=Q d1=Q

KQ v. KQ endgame, no immediate skewer or x-ray attacks, so this one is a draw (unless one side blunders).

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Originally posted by PBE6
1. ... Kc5
2. Kxf5 Kc4
3. Ke5 d4
4. f5 Kc3
5. f6 d3
6. f7 d2
7. f8=Q d1=Q

KQ v. KQ endgame, no immediate skewer or x-ray attacks, so this one is a draw (unless one side blunders).
almost, but 2... Kc4 would be unnecesary tempo sacrificing for black. 2. ...d4 seems best. white cannot give chase, and leads to this:

white's move.

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I don't have a draw but swapping knights seems to lose.

1.Nxf5 exf5
2.Kd4 Kc6
3.Ke5 Kc5
4.Kxf5 d4
5.Ke4 Kc4
6.f5 d3
7.f6 d2
8.f7 d1Q
9.f8Q Qe2+

picking up the white queen.

Edit: missed the post above, that's a draw with the bishop's pawn on the seventh rank.

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Originally posted by pootstick
almost, but 2... Kc4 would be unnecesary tempo sacrificing for black. 2. ...d4 seems best. white cannot give chase, and leads to this:

[fen]8/8/5PK1/2k5/8/8/8/3q4 w - - 0 8[/fen]

white's move.
1. ... Kc5
2. Kxf5 d4
3. Ke4 Kc4 (now it's forced)
4. f5. c3
f6 c2
f7 c1=Q
f8=Q if now Qe1+, Kf5 and black will skewer the king.

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Originally posted by zebano
1. ... Kc5
2. Kxf5 d4
3. Ke4 Kc4 (now it's forced)
4. f5. c3
f6 c2
f7 c1=Q
f8=Q if now Qe1+, Kf5 and black will skewer the king.
3. Ke4 is a losing move for white, and yes, that line wins for black.. but the first post asks for white to avoid losing! 🙂

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Originally posted by pootstick
almost, but 2... Kc4 would be unnecesary tempo sacrificing for black. 2. ...d4 seems best. white cannot give chase, and leads to this:

[fen]8/8/5PK1/2k5/8/8/8/3q4 w - - 0 8[/fen]

white's move.
1. f7

Black's move 🙂

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Originally posted by PBE6
1. f7

Black's move 🙂
sure, and there is no problemwith this theoretical draw 🙂

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Originally posted by Mephisto2
sure, and there is no problem with this theoretical draw 🙂
According to the Shredder endgame database, this is a draw. It may be difficult to play out OTB without blundering, but that doesn't mean it's a won game for black.

Handy dandy endgame database with nifty graphical user interface:


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