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Really hard clue

Really hard clue

Posers and Puzzles

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The answer to this cryptic clue is an algebraic move.

James Hunt revealed to have been gay; more revelations to come.

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Originally posted by wolfgang59
The answer to this cryptic clue is an algebraic move.

James Hunt revealed to have been gay; more revelations to come.
Happy to admit defeat on this one.
Maybe you would PM or post a hint if no-one else has cracked it yet?

3 edits
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Maybe "f1" ( for "Formula 1" ) to ... something?

On second thoughts, "f1 takes ..." seems more likely, where "..." is an algebraic square which could mean something like "it up the bum".

On third thoughts, how about "f1=Q+"?

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Originally posted by Fat Lady
Maybe "f1" ( for "Formula 1" ) to ... something?

On second thoughts, "f1 takes ..." seems more likely, where "..." is an algebraic square which could mean something like "it up the bum".

On third thoughts, how about "f1=Q+"?
so close.

I was thinking exf1=Q+

ex formula1 is a queen more to come!

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I would never have got that. I've played chess for far too long to read "exf1" as anything other than "e takes f1".

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Originally posted by Fat Lady
I would never have got that. I've played chess for far too long to read "exf1" as anything other than "e takes f1".
Reminds me of that ancient puzzle.
With the opponents king on e4
Set up checkmate with 2 rooks and a knight. (No help from king)

Apparently the more experienced you are the harder the puzzle!

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Yes, the point being that it is impossible to achieve in a legal game so players with lots of experience of normal chess won't be inclined to put the king in check by both rooks at the same time!

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Originally posted by Fat Lady
Yes, the point being that it is impossible to achieve in a legal game so players with lots of experience of normal chess won't be inclined to put the king in check by both rooks at the same time!
[fen]8/8/8/8/3RkRN1/8/8/K7 w - - 0 1[/fen]
Damn. I found this solution quite quickly and I thought I was being so clever. I hadn't twigged that it was not a possible position!

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Originally posted by Rank outsider
Damn. I found this solution quite quickly and I thought I was being so clever. I hadn't twigged that it was not a possible position!
Considering the king is in check twice but you can't do that outside of a discovered check....

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