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5 little known facts about Madame Curie

5 little known facts about Madame Curie


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For instance, I didn't know her daughter received the Nobel prize also.



I didn't know polonium was named after Poland. Why not polandium?

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May have been some Latin variation of Poland. Just a guess.
More than a guess, I gargled it, here is the reply:
"What's the Latin word for polish? Here's how you say it. Latin Translation. poloniae."


@sonhouse said
Describing her and her husband's shared interests;
They were inseparable – bicycling, traveling, and discovering elements together

Made me laugh, imagine having "discovering new elements" as a hobby!



So the D64 haters hit thumbs down just because she posted this bit about Madam Curie.

You all should grow up. BTW, this is not me sucking up to D64, just pointing out bullshyte when I see it.



Hey all you thumbdowners, why don't you just say who you are? Believe me, I am not a friend of D64 but this is childish.

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I never look at thumbs, and I don't know any grownups who do, because they're completely pointless. If this post gathers 100 thumbs down, I won't even know about it.



Fair enough.


@kewpie said
I never look at thumbs, and I don't know any grownups who do, because they're completely pointless. If this post gathers 100 thumbs down, I won't even know about it.
There's an interesting question: would the system be able to cope with a three-digit thumbs down figure?

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The post that was quoted here has been removed
I have news for you; Although there probably is someone here that gives your posts a thumbs down without even reading it, the same is true for OUR posts and it is a fair bet that people here generally give your post several thumbs down BECAUSE they read it. Guess why so? Its because of your racist views against people you like to label as 'westerners' here while hypocritically make out THEY are the one's being racist!
And have you noticed that sonhouse's and wildgras's posts, among several others, keep getting thumbs down regardless of how inoffensive the statements in their posts are thus indicating they keep getting the thumbs down automatically without their posts being read? For example, sonhouse got 3 thumbs down for a post that just said "@Kewpie Fair enough". Can the words "Fair enough" offend someone let alone 3 people!? Who keeps giving THEM the thumbs down? Certainly at least 3 people here are being infantile. I think I can guess the forum-names of at least 2 of them and probably at least those 2 will give this post of mine thumbs down either before reading it or simply without reading it.

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@soothfast said
There's an interesting question: would the system be able to cope with a three-digit thumbs down figure?
Well, if the numbers restricted it'll be to one of the standard representations like a 32 bit integer, but web stuff is all in these scripting languages that aren't limited by the widths of hardware registers so it's entirely possible that the entire population of the world can thumb down the post and it'll still plenty of spare capacity.

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Marking it down would be a bitch though🙂

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