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Medicinal Chemistry and Hygiene Info

Medicinal Chemistry and Hygiene Info


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Medicinal Chemistry

4 May 15:57 GMT +2 (to prevent theft)

My profile lacked the space for this info.

Eugenol (from cloves) kills syphilis without penicillin. It cures HIV. It cures every STD, and every microbial disease (bacterial, fungal, viral) except COVID. The ocean cures COVID, or at least restores taste and smell loss. Eugenol also kills all parasites in the body, and kills the eggs, ending the cycle of reinfection. Swallowing a few milliliters of pure clove oil is a sacred remedy. It can also cure food poisoning. Internal clove oil also treats acne.

Parasites are about the worst problem that humans have. 6 crushed cloves, mixed into coffee beans and brewed in a bodum for 5 minutes should be consumed by every human at least once a day. Toothpaste is redundant. Brush your teeth with pure clove oil. It is the best thing for your oral health, and instantly whitens the teeth. Human mouths are filthy.

Gut parasites during pregnancy are responsible for psychological problems in a child. The Dark triad (psychopathy, machiavellianism, and narcissism) as well as autism, OCD, and Tourette's, are also caused by parasites in the mother's body during pregnancy. The dark triad is EVERYWHERE. This is hell, and it causes suffering because so many leaders have it. Parasites cause OCD symptoms, and inflammation. They steal your nutrients and excrete waste into your body.

According to the Angels, there are 4 cures for practically every microbial disease, including HIV:

Peppermint oil

Spearmint oil

Lime oil

Clove oil

Lime oil kills cancer they say.

Essential oils are everything.

Peppermint oil instantly relieves nausea.

Frankincense, rose, orange, neroli, lavender and lemongrass can all be inhaled to treat depression and anxiety.

Lavender oil is the best oil for anxiety. It is also a powerful sedative. If you wake up anxious, inhale lavender and neroli.

Your gut health is your mental health.

Jasmine and cinnamon leaf oil are aphrodisiacs.

Jasmine and lemongrass increase the high from cannabis.

Castor oil is the best moisturizer. Your skin is colonized by trillions of bacteria. Castor oil kills them all. Slather your body in it after a shower. Frankincense, lavender, neroli and rose can be mixed into the castor oil to make a facial moisturizer. It will also prevent acne.

The face and body should be rubbed with a soapy flannel each time you shower to prevent blackheads and acne. Castor oil is the best dressing for a burn wound. It is is an effective deodorant.

Sceletium is the best antidepressant, and also treats Alzheimer's and dementia.

Pure tobacco (organic and no additives) is a sacred spiritual and medicinal substance. Manitou tobacco, rolled with acacia gum papers and a large filter, will cure any respiratory disease. It cured my chronic asthma and tuberculosis. Nicotine upregulates dopamine receptors, downregulates inflammation in the body, rebalances neurotransmitters, treats ADHD, improves focus, treats schizophrenia and Parkinson's disease, is anti ageing and anti-cancer, and improves sleep despite being a stimulant. It stops forgetfulness and lack of motivation from cannabis use. It helps prevent weed-induced psychosis. It also expels negative energy from the body amd chakras. All illness is negative energy. It kills worms in the gut. It is the first medicine given by Allah (also known as Jehovah, Yahweh, or the Source) to indigenous Americans. Giving someone hand rolled cigarettes can remove your karmic debt to the them. Tobacco is a peace offering.

Buchu tea is the most internally moisturizing and detoxifying liquid. It normalizes mental health.

Epsom salts in the bath are extremely beneficial for the body. It also purges negative matrices from your field.

Cacao (not cocoa) is more motivating than coffee. It is extremely anti-ageing.

Cacao smoothie:

Two bananas

Two tablespoons of raw cacao powder

One tablespoon of sugar free peanut butter

A squirt of honey

5 ice cubes

Oat milk

Blend up and drink.

Cherries are the best sleep medicine because they contain melatonin. I consume them or their concentrate every night. Sleep quality is drastically improved. You will feel sleepy very quickly after eating sour cherries.

Cherry smoothie:

One cup cherries

One cup blueberries

Two bananas

Oat milk

Consume every night before bed. Blueberries are incredibly healing as well.

Every human should take slow release magnesium every night. We are all short of it.

Valium is a good medication. Sometimes necessary.

Risperidone and olanzapine are good anti-psychotics. Clozapine is a bad medication. So is epilim.

Cannabis should be illegal unless you have a medical license. They say it treats multiple sclerosis, and kills TB, and cancer. Edibles kill cancer. There is always a risk of psychosis.

Your space needs to be vacuumed and mopped every 4 days. Pillows are full of dead mites and dung and should be coate pe in bicarbonate of soda and then sprayed with vinegar, or washed in bleach, every few months. Pillowcase changed every day.

Sheets flicked after 2 nights and changed after 4.

Toilet sprayed with white vinegar every day. Bath, shower and Bain should be scrubbed with bleach every 4 days.

Shower upon waking up, and rinse before bathing in Epsom salts. One Epsom salt bath per day. Add lavender oil to the bath.

White vinegar is an excellent surface cleaner.

Detergent does not kill mold. Bicarbonate of soda must be added to every laundry load. Bleach as well for whites.

Burn benzoin, frankincense and myrrh to control mold. Mold is LETHAL.

Sugar is the most the damaging drug and should be illegal. Alcohol is next. More than even crack or heroin.

Normal cigarettes are toxic and are not medicinal.

Keep kosher. Humans must eat good beef, lamb and fish.

Babies must have fish oil. It greatly increases their intelligence.

Dogs must be given blueberries to kill their parasites and slow ageing. They can also be given a small amount of chopped pumpkin seeds. DO NOT give them cloves, cacao, or any essential oil.

Pure silver tequila 100% agave is the only alcohol that has benefits. One shot per day is a probiotic.

Grapetiser (soft drink) is great for the gut and mental health.

James Tyger Thompson

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Lets begin with the first statement: Eugenol as a principal healing agent.

You might know about the accepted use of Eugenol.

Could you please provide Sources (preferably in Peer-reviewed journals) about the the activity against Syphilis and HIV?

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I forgot to mention that tobacco also treats ulcerative colitis.
Buchu tea also regulates insulin.

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Hi there. I'm sorry for getting impatient with you in the posers and puzzles forum. That was Qianlong.

I can't provide sources because I believe it's an original discovery.

Best wishes. I was a horrible person. I didn't know I had the dark triad. I'm also autistic, and ADHD, and tourette's. Or was. I cured my psychological problems using my energy healing (reiki) ability. I can also change people's sexualities, in a matter of minutes. My mother was very sick during her pregnancy and it gave me every psych problem under the sun.

If you want to undo your ageing, offer incense to my giant crystal in the ratio one stick for you, one stick for me. Tulasi is the best brand. You could be on pluto and my grid would heal you immediately. Distance matters not in this simulation.
Sorry if that sounds out there.

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It's the additives, pesticides and bad (usually bleached) papers that do that. Pure tobacco is a medicine. But anyway. In moderation. A manitou cigarette a day, keeps the lung doctor away.

I'm nervous to read this thread any longer. Haven't read anything else.
Yes, normal cigarettes should be illegal.


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