Originally posted by sonhouseThere were some questionable unconfirmed reports that it hit the ground.
I was just getting ready to post it also but saw yours! Incredible, eh. Are there any reports of it hitting the ground or did it burn up before it hit?
Apparently there were two explosions and shock waves observed so I am assuming here that it must have broke up at least in two pieces before hitting the ground -an indication perhaps that it probably completely exploded before hitting the ground although it is still perfectly possible that a fragment made it through.
Time will tell for they are sending army personal to investigate the sites that are claimed to be where fragments landed.
Originally posted by humySome of the video's showed clearly 2 paths in the wake.
There were some questionable unconfirmed reports that it hit the ground.
Apparently there were two explosions and shock waves observed so I am assuming here that it must have broke up at least in two pieces before hitting the ground -an indication perhaps that it probably completely exploded before hitting the ground although it is still perfectly possible t ...[text shortened]... re sending army personal to investigate the sites that are claimed to be where fragments landed.
Originally posted by humyMy thread had a pithier title :-p
Hey, I just noticed I have stolen googlefudge's thread -revenge of the googlefudge is nigh.
EDIT: Reposting my post here...
Duck and cover anyone?
Originally posted by humyWhat time zone are you in?
the resulting explosions injured at least 250 people.
watch the video link showing it as it was coming down!
The strike was only this morning (both event local and my local time zone).
EDIT: If you're in the USA, didn't the strike technically happen tomorrow from your standpoint?
Russian Academy for Sciences is estimating the meteorite mass at appx 10 tonnes.
For a rock/iron asteroid with a density of around 3.5 tonnes per m3 that would mean
that this was probably in the 3~4 cubic meter ballpark... And even an ice ball would
only be 10 m3 ... [ r < (((3/4)*10)/Pi)^(1/3) ~ 1.34m or about 4"4'... Given the
vagueness of the initial reports I would say that it;s probably safe to put this in the
sub 2 meter radius category... assuming my maths hasn't gone AWOL today ]
Which means that this meteorite... which has injured (according to current reports)
at least 950 people and caused damage over hundreds if not thousands of square km
was smaller than your car... albeit heavier... unless you drive a hummer.
EDIT: bah... that should be 3/4 not 4/3 ... correcting it.
Originally posted by googlefudgeoh you have got me sussed; I have time traveled from tomorrow (Either that or I got my days mixed up).
What time zone are you in?
The strike was only this morning (both event local and my local time zone).
EDIT: If you're in the USA, didn't the strike technically happen tomorrow from your standpoint?
Originally posted by googlefudge15m 😉
Russian Academy for Sciences is estimating the meteorite mass at appx 10 tonnes.
For a rock/iron asteroid with a density of around 3.5 tonnes per m3 that would mean
that this was probably in the 3~4 cubic meter ballpark... And even an ice ball would
only be 10 m3 ... [ r < (((3/4)*10)/ ...[text shortened]... .. unless you drive a hummer.
EDIT: bah... that should be 3/4 not 4/3 ... correcting it.
Originally posted by KeplerSigh.
And 7000 tonnes. Fair to middling chunk of space crap.
This is what happens when you rely on media reports without doing your own checking.
Asteroid coincidence
The Russian Academy of Sciences estimates that the meteor weighed about 10 tonnes and entered the Earth's atmosphere at a speed of at least 54,000 km/h (33,000mph).
Either the BBC has made a serious typo... Or the Russian Academy of Sciences needs to
relearn how to do maths... Personally I suspect the BBC.