@sonhouse saidThere isn't anything particularly new or revelatory about the idea of having one or two weekly problem-solving sessions (also called labs) supplementing traditional lectures. Maybe a calculus section has 100 students that convene for lectures in an auditorium, and they're divided into 5 lab sections that meet at other times in smaller classrooms for group work and problem-solving. The professor delivers the lectures, and grad students handle the labs.
Making calculus easier to teach. Could be a game changer in STEM courses.
But it does require that a professor have minions (like grad students) to help with labs and grading. It's not practical for, say, community colleges where a professor runs everything and has no slave labor to exploit.
Bitterly cold part of Pa? I live in the Pocono's and have lived in Alaska and it seems a BIT warmer here🙂 What part of Pa do you live?