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Societal Collapse - will we do it too?

Societal Collapse - will we do it too?


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Are we going to collapse just like the roman empire and so many other empires?

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Originally posted by flexmore

Are we going to collapse just like the roman empire and so many other empires?
Probably. Death by climate change.

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Originally posted by flexmore

Are we going to collapse just like the roman empire and so many other empires?
Our civilisation is quite young. And we rely of tecnology. It's not a good sign.
The roman empire was way older than ours when it collapsed.

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we may have more wars when robotic infantrymen become common.

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Originally posted by flexmore

Are we going to collapse just like the roman empire and so many other empires?
Unless there is a world wide catastrophy, someone will pick up the pieces and carry on but a bit behind schedule, eh.

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Originally posted by flexmore
Are we going to collapse just like the roman empire and so many other empires?
Which empire is the 'we'?
Societies are collapsing all around the world, most of the time. Take the soviet union for example. Zimbabwe is the most recent.
From the wikipedia page:
"...the phenomenon is only a description of the processes of change in that civilization."

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Originally posted by twhitehead
Which empire is the 'we'?
Societies are collapsing all around the world, most of the time. Take the soviet union for example. Zimbabwe is the most recent.
From the wikipedia page:
"...the phenomenon is only a description of the processes of change in that civilization."
I am talking a bit bigger than that ... Zimbabwe is just a small suburb in the new empire ... our new empire is best viewed from a satellite, and even then can never be seen all at once.

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Originally posted by flexmore
I am talking a bit bigger than that ... Zimbabwe is just a small suburb in the new empire ... our new empire is best viewed from a satellite, and even then can never be seen all at once.
So where is your empire? What makes you think that the whole world is a single society? Did you even read through the Wikipedia page you posted?

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Originally posted by twhitehead
So where is your empire? What makes you think that the whole world is a single society? Did you even read through the Wikipedia page you posted?
The whole world is not a society - but much of it is - and it is sucking the rest in fast.
Have a look at the people you are playing chess with ... where are they?
Have a look at the shoes you wear - where were they made?
Where do you live?
The petrol in your car : where does it come from?
The heavy metals in your computer: how many countries do they come from?
The software you are using ...
How can you isolate just a tiny little slice ... this world is connected like never before ...
Yes I read the page - but only after reading several sources that lead me to there. Some of their examples of previous empires were little things - but ours is BIG; Did you read the bit that uses the word Dinosaur - they were big too!

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Originally posted by twhitehead
Which empire is the 'we'?
Societies are collapsing all around the world, most of the time. Take the soviet union for example. Zimbabwe is the most recent.
From the wikipedia page:
"...the phenomenon is only a description of the processes of change in that civilization."
I think the US is the latest example, it's been in decline for more than ten years. We can't even make steel anymore, leave that to the Germans and Japanese. Then we get presidents like Ushbay. (that should confuse the government word association filters)
I think climate change is just the planet deciding the fleas called humans have done enough damage, time to reset the clock.

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Originally posted by flexmore
The whole world is not a society - but much of it is - and it is sucking the rest in fast.
Have a look at the people you are playing chess with ... where are they?
Have a look at the shoes you wear - where were they made?
Where do you live?
The petrol in your car : where does it come from?
The heavy metals in your computer: how many countries do they c ...[text shortened]... things - but ours is BIG; Did you read the bit that uses the word Dinosaur - they were big too!
Neuromancer painted a great picture of a world run by artillects (super computers)
where humans drooled in grubby flats whilst plugged into a better world.
Would that constitute a collapse or an adaptation?

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Originally posted by Thequ1ck
Neuromancer painted a great picture of a world run by artillects (super computers)
where humans drooled in grubby flats whilst plugged into a better world.
Would that constitute a collapse or an adaptation?
I need to read that book.

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
I need to read that book.
You haven't read Neuromancer? Not the greatest of reads but the concepts
are spot on. Author is William Gibsom who coined the term 'cyberspace'.

Not to spoil the plot for you but Trinity from the Matrix is meant to be
the lead lady from Neuromancer later on.

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Originally posted by flexmore

Are we going to collapse just like the roman empire and so many other empires?
I don't think so. As long as we have a 2nd Amendment, we can keep this govt in check for a very long tome---even forever.

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Originally posted by PinkFloyd
I don't think so. As long as we have a 2nd Amendment, we can keep this govt in check for a very long tome---even forever.
It's not the government that is the problem, only indirectly. If we don't fix the climate issue we won't be able to grow enough food, they say there might be 10 billion people on the planet by 2100 that will cause massive starvation all by itself even if the climate stays benign.
If the climate goes like the predictions say, melting ice in greenland, all the coastal cities will be underwater, the central US will be a giant dustbowl, and there won't be enough arable land to feed the world or maybe even the US, forget the rest of the world. So we may be hit with a double whammy of over population and bad climate. There is already evidence plenty of bad climate in the recent past, called the 'little Ice Age' from about 1300 to 1800 the climate was so bad no crops could be grown in Europe in the quantities they had enjoyed in the 10th century, when they were just starting to recover from the end of the Roman empire, just as things were going well, massive winter conditions hit that lasted hundreds of years and basically is what caused the plague that killed so many millions in the 1400's. So the gist of it is, it could very well happen again. That time, the little ice age, was they think caused by a loss of sunspots, which seems to have resulted in less solar radiation hitting the earth and precipitating instant winter. It was said during the 1700's, New York Harbor froze solid and you could walk from Manhattan to Staten Island. So we best get our heads out of the sand and think seriously about the climate and population control or the double whammy will for sure be upon us.

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