Why has science become opinion?
Why do people believe in junk science?
The covid mandates were based on junk science. Anthropogenic global warming is based on junk science. Why has science become faith like a religion?
@metal-brain saidNO
Why has science become opinion?
Why do people believe in junk science?
The covid mandates were based on junk science. Anthropogenic global warming is based on junk science. Why has science become faith like a religion?
Because they suffer from the Dunning Kruger effect.
Because journalists "cut through all the words" and present science as avery easy thing, which it isn't.
btw Rumble doesn't count as decent source.
Any article with "liar" in it most probably is a piece of polemic attac, so probbaly also no decent source.
AND covid mandates were a political answer in times when few has been known. There were death from covid (do you agree?)
Anthropogenic warming is scentifically well supported. We can do a decebt dicussion if you really want to, but I insist to use only peer-reviewed scientific papers as basis (no videos, no junk journalism).
Science became a relision when people turned it into an instrument of political attack. (Oh yes that goes way back into medevial ages).
@ponderable saidJournalists are very dangerous.
Because they suffer from the Dunning Kruger effect.
Because journalists "cut through all the words" and present science as avery easy thing, which it isn't.
btw Rumble doesn't count as decent source.
Any article with "liar" in it most probably is a piece of polemic attac, so probbaly also no decent source.
AND covid mandates were a political answer in times w ...[text shortened]... le turned it into an instrument of political attack. (Oh yes that goes way back into medevial ages).
Nearly as bad as marketing personnel
Journalists, and more recently social media people only quote statistics and "??facts"??which favour their arguments.
A lot of people in the UK still think that if it says it in the Daily Mail or on BBC news or social media platforms like face ache it must be completely true.
You never get a balanced view.
It'll get worse this year as their is a general election where the only priority of the major parties is to get elected.
Beware of politicians using the phrase "we have no plans to" and "we will".
These statements mean nothing!
"Anthropogenic warming is scentifically well supported"
No, it is not. The ice core samples prove global warming causes CO2 to rise, not the other way around. Al Gore lied to us. The science was based on a lie. That is why it is junk science.
The gene vaccine mandates were not based on science at all. They never stopped the spread and people who claimed it slowed the spread were wrong, but even if they were not wrong the mandates were still not based on science. Everyone got covid anyway and even Fauci admitted that everyone would get covid eventually.
The gene vaccine mandates were based on profit, not science. That is why we were told so many lies about covid and the gene vaccines. You are in denial of the real science. The lies were not the science.
@venda saidSo kill all the journalists? You are dangerous. That is why we need debates to sort out the truth from lies. People need to know you are full of crap so they don't believe your misinformation. When you continue to fail to show I am wrong people will know that you are full of crap.
Journalists are very dangerous.
Nearly as bad as marketing personnel
Journalists, and more recently social media people only quote statistics and "??facts"??which favour their arguments.
A lot of people in the UK still think that if it says it in the Daily Mail or on BBC news or social media platforms like face ache it must be completely true.
You never get a balanced view. ...[text shortened]... of politicians using the phrase "we have no plans to" and "we will".
These statements mean nothing!
@metal-brain saidHow did you make the leap from journalists are dangerous to kill all journalists?
So kill all the journalists? You are dangerous. That is why we need debates to sort out the truth from lies. People need to know you are full of crap so they don't believe your misinformation. When you continue to fail to show I am wrong people will know that you are full of crap.
Journalists are in the money making business like everyone else.
My point is don't beleive everything you hear or read without question
@metal-brain saidSo please quote some contribution to a peer reviewed journal.
"Anthropogenic warming is scentifically well supported"
No, it is not. The ice core samples prove global warming causes CO2 to rise, not the other way around. Al Gore lied to us. The science was based on a lie. That is why it is junk science.
The gene vaccine mandates were not based on science at all. They never stopped the spread and people who claime ...[text shortened]... t covid and the gene vaccines. You are in denial of the real science. The lies were not the science.
@venda said"My point is don't beleive everything you hear or read without question"
How did you make the leap from journalists are dangerous to kill all journalists?
Journalists are in the money making business like everyone else.
My point is don't beleive everything you hear or read without question
No, that is my point to you. Journalists are journalists. Some are good and some are bad like any profession. What you did was believe propaganda without questioning it. When I say the ice core samples prove global warming causes CO2 to rise in the atmosphere I am telling the truth. Al Gore lied. He gave you a backwards cause and effect. It was propaganda.
The whole global warming movement is based on a lie. Were you aware of that or did you believe it without question?
@ponderable saidWhat are you questioning? Be specific.
So please quote some contribution to a peer reviewed journal.
Both CO2 and methane lagged behind temperatures prior to the industrial age. The ice core samples prove that. Al Gore lied about the cause and effect. Al Gore is a propagandist.
@metal-brain saidThe earth is warming up.There is evidence for that.I watched a documentary on the ascent of Mt Everest recently.The climbers didn't have to negotiate the Hilary step because it has now melted.
"My point is don't beleive everything you hear or read without question"
No, that is my point to you. Journalists are journalists. Some are good and some are bad like any profession. What you did was believe propaganda without questioning it. When I say the ice core samples prove global warming causes CO2 to rise in the atmosphere I am telling the truth. Al Gore lied. ...[text shortened]... l warming movement is based on a lie. Were you aware of that or did you believe it without question?
@metal-brain saidI want a quote in a peer-reviewd journal that claims that CO2 rise is the consequence of glabal warming. The site you quotes, has a lot of self-quotes. It is not peer reviewed. I might still read it in depth.
What are you questioning? Be specific.
Both CO2 and methane lagged behind temperatures prior to the industrial age. The ice core samples prove that. Al Gore lied about the cause and effect. Al Gore is a propagandist.
Alone that you bring in a politician and claim "lie" seems that you have a political and no scientific agenda. Al Gore is not an authority in science.
@venda saidOf course the earth is warming. We just came out of the little ice age silly. The warming is natural, not man made. The mini ice age was probably caused by volcano eruptions from the volcanic winter of 536.
The earth is warming up.There is evidence for that.I watched a documentary on the ascent of Mt Everest recently.The climbers didn't have to negotiate the Hilary step because it has now melted.
Did you expect the mini ice age to last forever? Volcanic global cooling is temporary.
@ponderable saidLook them up yourself. They exist if you really want to read them.
I want a quote in a peer-reviewd journal that claims that CO2 rise is the consequence of glabal warming. The site you quotes, has a lot of self-quotes. It is not peer reviewed. I might still read it in depth.
Alone that you bring in a politician and claim "lie" seems that you have a political and no scientific agenda. Al Gore is not an authority in science.
You don't need to read it in a peer reviewed journal though. You can prove it at home. Chill 2 cans of carbonated beverage in your refrigerator. Take them both out and open them both. Put one back into the refrigerator and leave the other out at room temperature over night. The warm can will be flatter than the colder one.
The CO2 is being expelled from the ocean into the atmosphere as the ocean warms. That is why CO2 lagged behind temps in the ice core samples. There you go. Real science, not junk science from Al Gore the lying propagandist.
Why do people have a problem with farmers? Why are people wanting to reduce the supply of food? Control? I guess if there is a food shortage people will have to work harder for food.
They tried to scare us into thinking GW would make food scarce and what are they doing? Using GW as an excuse to make food scarce. They think you are stupid.
More than 1,600 scientists and professionals, including two Nobel laureates, have signed a declaration saying that "There is no climate emergency." The declaration is unlikely to get any attention from the mainstream media, unfortunately, but it is important for people to know about: the mass climate hysteria and the destruction of the US economy in the name of climate change need to stop.