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chess engine zone

chess engine zone

Site Ideas

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I was recently talking to a friend who is on a different chess site (i've been trying to persade him to change!) where there is actually a section of the site for people who have chess engines and programs so they can play them against each other or people who want a challenge can play them. I think it would definitely decrease the amount of cheating.😉

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Originally posted by toyboy64
I was recently talking to a friend who is on a different chess site (i've been trying to persade him to change!) where there is actually a section of the site for people who have chess engines and programs so they can play them against each other or people who want a challenge can play them. I think it would definitely decrease the amount of cheating.😉
It wouldn't decrease the amount of cheating at RHP, because the cheaters who use them want YOU to think they are great at chess.

This subject has already come up before, and Russ has NO plan to do anything like this. There are other sites for using engines.


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But it would possibly bring more people to the website and help people like azicky improve his game (if possible)

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Originally posted by toyboy64
But it would possibly bring more people to the website and help people like azicky improve his game (if possible)
Perhaps someone else can play librarian and find the 20 threads already talked about on this subject. Including the one where Russ says he will never have an engine section at RHP.

If Akizy so desires, he can either fire up an engine to play it, or go to one the the other sites where they do allow engines.


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On PlayChess there is an engine room for engines and a separate main hall for humans. That cannot fit here because engine vs engine contests need fast time controls. There is no engine room on any CC site unless you care to give us the link.

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The purpose of an engine is not really to use it vs others
meant to use it against yourself or to review and help yourself.. so why have it online anyways 😕

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Originally posted by Ramned
The purpose of an engine is not really to use it vs others
meant to use it against yourself or to review and help yourself.. so why have it online anyways 😕
What is the use of CC chess/OTB chess if online speed chess takes care of your needs? Because its a different ball game. When I cannot play in the Main Playing Hall since I'm human, I enjoy watching my engine with old hardware taking on machines with up to 16 processors (ouch).

However that type of chess is only suited in an engine room and engine users are booted here.

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Well maybe you could just put a symbol against the persons name to show there using an engine.

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Originally posted by toyboy64
Well maybe you could just put a symbol against the persons name to show there using an engine.
Are you ignoring what has been said like you have a rewind script or are you playing possum? Hello anybody there?

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