A request for us clan leaders.
Can we have a button to auto set a challenge list to vacant please. i.e. We set the players in a challenge. Set next challenge on both sides to vacant, click a button and all below that auto set to vacant.
Having to change both sides to vacant when challenging a large clan is very time consuming.
Originally posted by Grandmaster baterYES!! Again, this is needed (especially when both Clans have 20 active players and you want a 2 man challenge!!)
A request for us clan leaders.
Can we have a button to auto set a challenge list to vacant please. i.e. We set the players in a challenge. Set next challenge on both sides to vacant, click a button and all below that auto set to vacant.
Having to change both sides to vacant when challenging a large clan is very time consuming.
Originally posted by ouroborosYou're going to put Russ out of a job soon!
If you are using Firefox and have the Greasemonkey extension, install the userscript at: http://members.shaw.ca/ouroboros/RHP/rhp_clan_challenge.user.js which will give you the ability to reset all select lists to vacant, one-click profile viewing, and search games between the two listed players.