Some current limitations :
- Clan admin is not available, and you will see a message stating this. Just hit back on your browser to continue.
- Avoid any image uploading from the beta.
- Some images (blogs, for example) may not be displayed. This is not a bug.
Further note :
-Web pages will be performing slightly sub-optimally as all included files are loaded individually, rather than bundled into one.
My Games is only showing completed games right now. (Late change broke this one!) A fix will come in the next 30 mins.
Edit : Game "Result" in enhanced search is now non-functional as a work around.
Edit 2 : Game "Result" in enhanced search is now available again.
Edit 3 : An error incorrectly setting a current timestamps after an edit on forum posts has been fixed.
On the beta 'my games' page, when I look at the inbox, it show my games that are in progress. I always move my completed games to various other folders that I have created. So the inbox on beta is working fine and showing only my current 'in progress' games. The other sub-folders also seem to be working correctly.
However, in the beta version, the 'all games' folder at the top only shows my inbox games. It does not show 'all' games. It's just a duplicate of my inbox games.
I compared this to the normal version, and in the normal version when I click the 'all games' folder, I get all of my games, and they go back to my first games played back to 2001, and they appear to be in order, by date played. They include all mixed type of games for ladder, tournament, challenge, clans, etc. In other words, all of my games.
So I suspect there may be a bug on the 'my games' page.
In addition to the loss of filters that @shannone reported, also the orderng is lost and reverts to "newset games". This reversion also happens if I go to the forums and back
Russ, is it ok if we just post feedback in items as we find them or do you want lists/batches collated?
My feedback will be more about look, feel and navigation rather than chess 🙂
Using iPad Air - My first observations [have beta and standard open in parallel tabs]:
- Pages move side to side when dragged by my finger rather than being static within the screen. Actually game page in original does move but the forum thread listing page is fixed. I like the “fixed” feel, it is more substantive somehow. I hope this makes sense I’m probably using incorrect terms.
- everything appears to be larger including font, I feel a bit zoomed in.
- when I go to a game everything (key stuff) doesn’t quite fit on the page (I mean the screen) whereas previously the board and key info all does ~ perhaps this is just auto size setting? I like to be presented with a full board and the key info all there without moving the screen around. Especially the full board.
- can’t see “dark mode” but I think you said this may be later??
- rendering of “my home” text position and icon size isn’t same as others
- the “my games” icon is missing in game/board view. I use this a lot to skip straight to the list of my games
@Ponderable saidThis has now been fixed for both move sounds and waiting game alerts.
It also seems that the sound settings have no effect (I tried to turn it off, the move sound dispays regardless of the setting)
@divegeester saidWhich ever suits you. All feedback welcome.
Russ, is it ok if we just post feedback in items as we find them or do you want lists/batches collated?
Nothing is final or tied down. I'm grateful for the thoughts of anyone testing right now.
If there is a consensus about something, then it will be changed.
But, it is worth getting used to things a little before that happens. (In my case, I'm so familiar with the beta version, I dislike the look and feel of the production version now.)
@divegeester saidFrom the "My Account" menu, top right profile icon. Bottom of menu.
- can’t see “dark mode” but I think you said this may be later??
Dark mode design may need some improvements.