Why do all the stars have to be orange-red?!? I say there ought to be different color stars for different ranks and a couple new ranks like 5,000-10,000 moves and 50,000-100,000 moves, 100,000-200,000 moves and 200,000 moves and up.
My idea for colors is the following (this table includes my new rank ideas)
0-2,000 moves, white star
2,000-5,000 moves, gray star
5,000-10,000 moves, yellow star
10,000-25,000 moves, green star
25,000-50,000 moves, blue star
50,000-100,000 moves, red star
100,000-200,000 moves, brown star
200,000 moves and up, black star
Gee,who knows...maybe the people who run the site 😴 will actually take my idea into consideration! Ha ha ha wishful thinking.😀
Originally posted by beatlemaniai think this is a terrible idea. i like my orange star :-)
Why do all the stars have to be orange-red?!? I say there ought to be different color stars for different ranks and a couple new ranks like 5,000-10,000 moves and 50,000-100,000 moves, 100,000-200,000 moves and 200,000 moves and up.
My idea for colors is the following (this table includes my new rank ideas)
0-2,000 moves, white star
2,000-5,000 mo ...[text shortened]... who run the site 😴 will actually take my idea into consideration! Ha ha ha wishful thinking.😀
taLkinG abOut coLouRs..I tHink my iDea is betteR beCausE It aFFects tO subScribeRs aNd nOt suscRibeRs..tHe staR is a GILIPOLLEZ ENORME. I RepLy..I tHink tHe sQuaRes wHo inDicatEs tHe statUs Of tHe Game sHouLd bE in diFFeRents coLouRs.
1. Green If yOu havE wan tHe Game
2. ReD If yOu havE LoseD It
3. OranGe If yOu havE dRawn
4. YeLLow If yOu aRe stiLL pLayinG tHe Game
LaRalilOlalaaa😏 aGoRe*