I peRsonaLLy tHink tHat tHis sitE wouLd bE betteR If tHe GrapHic coLouRs of tHe sQuaRes (whO indiCates If yOu havE wIn oR lOse a Game, oR If It's yOur tuRn or tHe opOnent's) weRe inDicateD on diffeRent coLouR eacH One. For exampLe, If yOu havE wIn a Game I tHink tHe sQuaRe sHouLd be gReen, reD If yOu havE lOse, oRanGe If yOu havE dRawn It, anD yeLLow If yOu aRe stiLL pLayinG tHe Game.
What dO yOu tHink?
The ReasOn Of tHis pOast is tHat wHen yOu staRt tO havE toO mucH Games On yOuR scReen anD yOu waNt tO LoOk foR oNe FasteR (aLtHouGht I knOw yOu caN keEp Its In fOldeRs bUt This OptiOn OnLy appeaRs wHen tHe sitEs waNt). I hOpe. aGoRessivE*
Originally posted by aGoRessivENo way in hell am I reading that crap.
I peRsonaLLy tHink tHat tHis sitE wouLd bE betteR If tHe GrapHic coLouRs of tHe sQuaRes (whO indiCates If yOu havE wIn oR lOse a Game, oR If It's yOur tuRn or tHe opOnent's) weRe inDicateD on diffeRent coLouR eacH One. For exampLe, If yOu havE wIn a Game I tHink tHe sQuaRe sHouLd be gReen, reD If yOu havE lOse, oRanGe If yOu havE dRawn It, anD yeLLow If y ...[text shortened]... caN keEp Its In fOldeRs bUt This OptiOn OnLy appeaRs wHen tHe sitEs waNt). I hOpe. aGoRessivE*
Lo siento si no me he sabido explicar bien. Cuando estas jugando una partida de ajedrez, el cuadrado pequeño al que me refiero está en amarillo, lo que facilita gráficamente las partidas que llevas en juego, pues se diferencian de los cuadraditos rojos (que indican que una partida ha terminado -bien hayas ganado, perdido o hayas quedado en tablas-). Pues bien, mi sugerencia es que esos cuadrados rojos podrían serlos en el supuesto de que la partida la hayas perdido, pero no el supuesto que hayas ganado (que a mi juicio deberían ser verdes) y naranjas en el supuesto de que la partida en cuestión haya finalizado en tablas; asimismo. Quizás sea una tontería agradaría mucho más a la vista y sería de mucha utilidad para diferenciar las diferentes partidas. saLudOs. aGoRessivE*
Originally posted by aGoRessivEYou need a new keyboard.
I peRsonaLLy tHink tHat tHis sitE wouLd bE betteR If tHe GrapHic coLouRs of tHe sQuaRes (whO indiCates If yOu havE wIn oR lOse a Game, oR If It's yOur tuRn or tHe opOnent's) weRe inDicateD on diffeRent coLouR eacH One. For exampLe, If yOu havE wIn a Game I tHink tHe sQuaRe sHouLd be gReen, reD If yOu havE lOse, oRanGe If yOu havE dRawn It, anD yeLLow If y ...[text shortened]... caN keEp Its In fOldeRs bUt This OptiOn OnLy appeaRs wHen tHe sitEs waNt). I hOpe. aGoRessivE*
Or a new keyboard operator.๐
Lo siento si no me he sabido explicar bien. Cuando estas jugando una partida de ajedrez, el cuadrado pequeño al que me refiero está en amarillo, lo que facilita gráficamente las partidas que llevas en juego, pues se diferencian de los cuadraditos rojos (que indican que una partida ha terminado -bien hayas ganado, perdido o hayas quedado en tablas-). Pues bien, mi sugerencia es que esos cuadrados r ...[text shortened]... s a la vista y sería de mucha utilidad para diferenciar las diferentes partidas. saLudOs. aGoRessivElet's try it in english and all the letters the same size
Originally posted by aGoRessivEI agree, because it's so much effort to adjust your vision ever so slightly to the right and go through the arduous task of reading the game's status in the 'Action' column.
I peRsonaLLy tHink tHat tHis sitE wouLd bE betteR If tHe GrapHic coLouRs of tHe sQuaRes (whO indiCates If yOu havE wIn oR lOse a Game, oR If It's yOur tuRn or tHe opOnent's) weRe inDicateD on diffeRent coLouR eacH One. For exampLe, If yOu havE wIn a Game I tHink tHe sQuaRe sHouLd be gReen, reD If yOu havE lOse, oRanGe If yOu havE dRawn It, anD yeLLow If y ...[text shortened]... caN keEp Its In fOldeRs bUt This OptiOn OnLy appeaRs wHen tHe sitEs waNt). I hOpe. aGoRessivE*