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Can we have a direct link to the games explorer on the same page as the current game display, perhaps by the "Analyze board" link.


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Originally posted by Pterodactyl
Can we have a direct link to the games explorer on the same page as the current game display, perhaps by the "Analyze board" link.

If you use Firefox, there is a greasemonkey script to add a Games Explorer lookup for the current position in the game page.


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Originally posted by Ragnorak
If you use Firefox, there is a greasemonkey script to add a Games Explorer lookup for the current position in the game page.

Thanks, but I'd prefer a direct link if possible.

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Originally posted by Pterodactyl
Thanks, but I'd prefer a direct link if possible.
Yup, with FF and greasemonkey you get the direct link.


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Originally posted by Ragnorak
Yup, with FF and greasemonkey you get the direct link.

Maybe so, but I was making a site idea suggestion rather than something for my browser.
I can't implement your idea unfortunately but thanks anyway.

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Originally posted by Pterodactyl
I can't implement your idea unfortunately but thanks anyway.
Sure ya can. Just get Firefox and Greasemonkey. What do you use now? Or is this a work computer you're talking about?

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Originally posted by darvlay
Sure ya can. Just get Firefox and Greasemonkey. What do you use now? Or is this a work computer you're talking about?
I even got my boss using firefox.


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The reason I posted this idea was because I think the Games Explorer is an excellent tool but that many players are unaware it even exists. I thought adding a quick link on the games page would increase its profile by making it quick to access.

I have it book marked anyway, so the purpose of my post was not for myself specifically. Thanks for all the suggestions though.

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Originally posted by Pterodactyl
The reason I posted this idea was because I think the Games Explorer is an excellent tool but that many players are unaware it even exists. I thought adding a quick link on the games page would increase its profile by making it quick to access.

I have it book marked anyway, so the purpose of my post was not for myself specifically. Thanks for all the suggestions though.
That's a good point. It could use a bit more publicity.

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Originally posted by darvlay
That's a good point. It could use a bit more publicity.
It's kind of in beta testing at the moment. There are plans to regularly update the games stored in it, and to iron out a couple of issues with it, and once this happens, I'm sure it'll be integrated into the site.


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Originally posted by Ragnorak
It's kind of in beta testing at the moment. There are plans to regularly update the games stored in it, and to iron out a couple of issues with it, and once this happens, I'm sure it'll be integrated into the site.

Are you some kind of authority, Mr. Non-Subscriber? You don't even support this site with a subscription and here you are beta-testing and telling me the goings-on of the administration. What a joke!

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Originally posted by darvlay
Are you some kind of authority, Mr. Non-Subscriber? You don't even support this site with a subscription and here you are beta-testing and telling me the goings-on of the administration. What a joke!
I hope you've thought ahead and brought enough pitch-forks and torches for everyone.


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Originally posted by Phlabibit
I hope you've thought ahead and brought enough pitch-forks and torches for everyone.

Can you believe this Eye-talian joker?

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Originally posted by darvlay
Can you believe this Eye-talian joker?
Shouldn't there be a meatball on the flag so people know it's Italy? Sort of like you with a maple leaf showing how much you like maple syrup.


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Originally posted by darvlay
Are you some kind of authority, Mr. Non-Subscriber? You don't even support this site with a subscription and here you are beta-testing and telling me the goings-on of the administration. What a joke!
I'm beta testing the non-sub membership facilities.


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