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is there any way to continue on with a game that has been awarded to a player due to a timeout?

is there any way to continue on with a game that has been awarded to a player due to a timeout?

Site Ideas

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is there any way to continue on with a game that has been awarded to a player due to a timeout?
i'm asking specifically about game

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No. You could, however, start a new game from the final position as a manual set-up. It wouldn’t be rated though.

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Please don't post the same request in multiple forums, it's very confusing. If you post in the wrong forum by mistake it's a good idea to delete it.


1 edit

When you get to my age, you'll understand.

Happy New Year to you too.


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@brrr said
is there any way to continue on with a game that has been awarded to a player due to a timeout?
i'm asking specifically about game
Game 15450341

[fen ]3r1b2/1q4rk/3pR2p/2pP1p1P/P1B2P2/1P6/4N3/4QK2 w - - 9 47[ /fen]

Copy the FEN (on the geme)Go to New game, choose set up from FEN and paste the FEN. get the correct colour for you and your opponent and send the invite.

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@kewpie said
When you get to my age, you'll understand.

Happy New Year to you too.

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@kewpie said
Happy New Year to you too.
Only 365 days too late.

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