I know it's been requested on numerous occasions, but I still think we
need more smileys. This site is not, contrary to common belief, this
popular because of its chess features. No. I'm telling you people. It's
not. Why? Because I say so. Hey, I'm the RHP equivalent to a Christian
fundamentalist, so I will use this post as evidence. Earlier it says, RHP is
not this popular because of it's chess features. Hence, I have
concluded it must be the forums. And the forums needs more smileys.
Here's a few suggestions:
- A horny dancing smiley (I realise this is a family site but there's really
nothing wrong with being horny and expressing it in a dance)
- A flirting smiley (you know one eye closed and the eyebrows moving up
and down?)
- A laughing smiley (I don't mean the malicious smiling that this guy
does 😀, or the intense drunkenness of this one 😵, but generally
laughing. A preg_replace of all LOL's would be great.)
- An embarrassed but smiling smiley, unlike this one: 😳
I'll add them as I realise I need them. And if anyone else has
suggestions, please add them. I'm talking a fogging smiley library
here. When you activate the link "Insert smiley" there should be like
hundreds of options, all categorised according to type of expression (or
Addition: Let's hear it people. Our motto is, communicate not in
words but through the use of smileys. We need more letters. I want to
be able to communicate abstract ideas using smileys. I want my entire
posts to look something like this:
,,,and still mean something.
Originally posted by Dr StrangeloveI know exactly what you mean. Or as I like to put it:
Good idea.
And there should be a vomit smilie, or one where it's sticking fingers down its own throat. Also a V-sign smilie - this would save some people resorting to bad language.
edit; 😏😞😀😉😏😵🙄😕🙂 - if y'know what I mean.
Originally posted by Dr Strangelovedefinately a vomit smiley
Good idea.
And there should be a vomit smilie, or one where it's sticking fingers down its own throat. Also a V-sign smilie - this would save some people resorting to bad language.
edit; 😏😞😀😉😏😵🙄😕🙂 - if y'know what I mean.
how about a smiley giving a thumbs up and a thumbs down
Originally posted by stockenYou think it would be possible to work your horny dancing smiley into my avatar? The shlong needs to mate.
I know it's been requested on numerous occasions, but I still think we
need more smileys. This site is not, contrary to common belief, this
popular because of its chess features. No. I'm telling you people. It's
not. Why? Because I say so. Hey, I'm the RHP equivalent to a Christian
fundamentalist, so I will use this post as evidence. Earlier i ...[text shortened]... like this:
,,,and still mean something.