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open invites

open invites

Site Ideas

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Windmill is asking for a game with 2500+ player
Kaboooomba is asking to play people under 500

These cannot happen and therefore should not be littering the open invites.

I would restrict preferred rated opponent to within +/- 250 rating points of your current rating.

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Originally posted by invigorate
I would restrict preferred rated opponent to within +/- 250 rating points of your current rating.

Just let the open invites automatic getting removed after a week or so when not accepted by anyone.

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Originally posted by Aiko

Just let the open invites automatic getting removed after a week or so when not accepted by anyone.
I bugged Russ about this one and hopefully something will be done.
A week is too much for an open invite to stay:a day is enough,if it expires you will simply start another one the day later.
Doesn't make much sense to me to leave an open invites hanging for days if I'm not online.

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Originally posted by Ravello
I bugged Russ about this one and hopefully something will be done.
A week is too much for an open invite to stay:a day is enough,if it expires you will simply start another one the day later.
Doesn't make much sense to me to leave an open invites hanging for days if I'm not online.
What if the timeout is 7 days because you're online once a week?

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Originally posted by propawnkiller
What if the timeout is 7 days because you're online once a week?
This doesn't make much sense either,since we are talking about OPEN INVITES.
What's the purpose of me creating an open invite on Monday and leaving it hanging for a week?
Timeout doesn't matter as long as the invite is not picked by anyone.

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Originally posted by Ravello
This doesn't make much sense either,since we are talking about OPEN INVITES.
What's the purpose of me creating an open invite on Monday and leaving it hanging for a week?
Timeout doesn't matter as long as the invite is not picked by anyone.
I think the point was that if a user visit the site once a week only, and puts out an open invite hoping for a game with a move to make one week later, then they might be dissapointed if after 24hrs with no takers the game invite is deleted.

If the game invite stayed for the whole week, then there is still a chance the game would be accepted before they return to the site again.

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Originally posted by rhb
I think the point was that if a user visit the site once a week only, and puts out an open invite hoping for a game with a move to make one week later, then they might be dissapointed if after 24hrs with no takers the game invite is deleted.

If the game invite stayed for the whole week, then there is still a chance the game would be accepted before they return to the site again.
If every slow player acts this way soon the open invites page would be cluttered from invites hanging there from days,if not weeks,as it was some days ago.
In this thread we are discussing how to avoid this problem........

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Originally posted by Ravello
If every slow player acts this way soon the open invites page would be cluttered from invites hanging there from days,if not weeks,as it was some days ago.
In this thread we are discussing how to avoid this problem........
Only the ridiculous invites would hang around.

As these are the source of dissatisfaction, then development to solve the root cause is what is required.

My solution would be validation that the min rating must be lower than the current highest rated player on the site, and that the max rating limit must be higher than the lowest rated player on the site.

You'll never solve it entirely, but shouldn't penalise the user given as an example above 'cos of others behaviour.

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Originally posted by Ravello
If every slow player acts this way soon the open invites page would be cluttered from invites hanging there from days,if not weeks,as it was some days ago.
In this thread we are discussing how to avoid this problem........
But a big list of open invites surely cannot be a big problem? It will give a person much choices to choose the best out of all. Just the most silly ones can really be considered a problem. I don't mind a long list of open invites and the nescessary to scroll a bit. Like rhb says, only the silly ones will stay out for a very long time. Most are gone in a few minutes, hardly causing a long list really.

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If it got worse though, I could see it becoming frustrating for those adding more and hoping they will be picked up quickly.. If the trend continued , and more and more silly open invites went up, those that put legit ones up could end up on a second page (if there is.. or does it appear as just one long page?).. and they could get hidden from site.

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It's as easy as only display open invites to those players who can accept them.

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Originally posted by gotti2000
It's as easy as only display open invites to those players who can accept them.
My thoughts exactly.

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That would be a great option.. instead of just mandatory display.. have the option under settings to 1) see all open invites, or 2) see only those you can accept.

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Now shagslayer is being busy being a bit annoying in his open invites:

shagslayer 1604 White 21 days 28 days Yes Oct 24 02:48 (2400 - 2500) JOIN THE TEUTONIC KNIGHTS CLAN!!!
shagslayer 1604 White 1 days n/a days Yes Oct 24 02:56 (2400 - 2500) jOiN tHe TeUtOnIc knIgHtS cLaN
shagslayer 1604 White 1 days n/a days Yes Oct 24 02:57 (2400 - 2500) J O I N T H E T E U T O N I C K N I G H T S C L A N
shagslayer 1604 White 3 days 7 days Yes Oct 24 02:58 (2400 - 2500) JOIN THE TEUTONIC KNIGHTS CLAN
shagslayer 1604 White 3 days 7 days Yes Oct 24 02:59 (2400 - 2500) Join The Teutonic Knights Clan
shagslayer 1604 White 3 days 7 days Yes Oct 24 02:59 (2400 - 2500) join the teutonic knights clan
shagslayer 1604 White 3 days 7 days Yes Oct 24 03:00 (2400 - 2500) JOIN THE TEUTONIC KNIGHTS CLAN NOW NOW NOW FUN FUN FUN GO GO

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he's doing that so they stay up there.. as an advertisement

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