When you put up a post, you have an hour to edit it. So if you want to actually just delete it, all you have to to is edit it by adding the "F" bomb to the text, or some other creative profanity of your choosing, and the post will be deleted by robomod.
At least I believe this has been the case in the past. I don't know if the recent upgrade has changed any of that. I guess you could give it a try.
But after an hour I think you are out of luck, unless you alert the post and can convince a moderator to delete it.
<edit> OK, I just tried it by adding the F bomb while editing this reply and it was deleted, so that still works. Robomod is on the job!
No it wouldn't. I've been planning to add this, delete at anytime, if you so choose. Will try to get this in soon.
@mwmiller said😆
all you have to to is edit it by adding the "F" bomb to the text
@russ saidYeh, i'm amazed i never noticed this before tbh 🙂
No it wouldn't. I've been planning to add this, delete at anytime, if you so choose. Will try to get this in soon.
@russ saidCan we delete other peoples posts as well? 😉
No it wouldn't. I've been planning to add this, delete at anytime, if you so choose. Will try to get this in soon.
@trev33 saidLOL....I bet you I'd have less posts left! 😉
Before someone else says it I know I wouldn't have any posts left on the forums.
Wait I may have one more than you left. 😉.... You know I always like to get the last word in!!!
@russ saidAllowing posters to delete their posts will seriously detract from the flow of debate.
No it wouldn't. I've been planning to add this, delete at anytime, if you so choose. Will try to get this in soon.
It will be open to abuse ... and it will be abused.
@wolfgang59 saidEspecially if it can be done at any time.
Allowing posters to delete their posts will seriously detract from the flow of debate.
It will be open to abuse ... and it will be abused.
At the very least it should be possible to tell the difference between self-deleted, moderator-deleted and auto-deleted posts.
This will be the case.
Delete will be available at anytime, but it will show who posted and the post will remain in place - with the content deleted.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidThis would definitely be abused.
'Community policing' might be fun.
(A post automatically deleted if it receives 10 thumbs down).
@kewpie saidPossibly. (The reason I stipulated '10' thumbs down).
This would definitely be abused.