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PGNs in themed tournaments

PGNs in themed tournaments

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24 Jan 07
23 Jun 07
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I'm playing in the Italian Game tournament (all games start 1e4 e5 2Nf3 Nc6 3Bc4). When I use the "Get PGN/FEN" feature, the PGN doesn't include these opening moves - move 1 is the first one actually entered by a human. So when I plug the game into Fritz it can't figure out what's going on. Any chance of a fix for this?


11 Nov 05
23 Jun 07
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Originally posted by d36366
I'm playing in the Italian Game tournament (all games start 1e4 e5 2Nf3 Nc6 3Bc4). When I use the "Get PGN/FEN" feature, the PGN doesn't include these opening moves - move 1 is the first one actually entered by a human. So when I plug the game into Fritz it can't figure out what's going on. Any chance of a fix for this?
It could be done by having a FEN-tag too, but I would prefer to have all the moves from the beginning, even those that is a part of the opening.

This is the reason that I never play thematic tournaments. It messes up my database.


24 Jan 07
23 Jun 07
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Originally posted by FabianFnas
It could be done by having a FEN-tag too, but I would prefer to have all the moves from the beginning, even those that is a part of the opening.

This is the reason that I never play thematic tournaments. It messes up my database.
Are you saying that you can insert a FEN of a position into a PGN script, to indicate that the subsequent moves start from this position? If so, could you please tell me how to do it? If I could manually paste the FEN which RHP produces into the PGN it also produces, then although not as good as having all the moves from the beginning, it would make it much more useable.

For RHP addons...


16 Mar 04
23 Jun 07
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Originally posted by d36366
Are you saying that you can insert a FEN of a position into a PGN script, to indicate that the subsequent moves start from this position? If so, could you please tell me how to do it? If I could manually paste the FEN which RHP produces into the PGN it also produces, then although not as good as having all the moves from the beginning, it would make it much more useable.
Nice one Fabian,

Here's a PGN with FEN added for this thematic game... Game 3716431
[Event "Caro-Kann Defence - Classical Variation"]
[Site "http://www.timeforchess.com"]
[Date "2007.06.22"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Ragnorak"]
[Black "Salin i Vitalik"]
[WhiteRating "1792"]
[BlackRating "2059"]
[Result "*"]
[GameId "3716431"]
[FEN "r2qkbnr/pp1nppp1/2p4p/7P/3P4/3Q1NN1/PPP2PP1/R1B1K2R b QKqk - 0 1"]

1. e6 Bc1f4 *

If you use Firefox with Ouroboros' greasemonkey script, the FEN of the starting position is located under the board on the Analyse Board screen which makes the process very quick.

So programmatically, there is a very easy solution. Include a FEN tag in all games. Non-thematic games would just need this FEN included...rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1

like here...
[Event "Challenge"]
[Site "http://www.timeforchess.com"]
[Date "2007.01.17"]
[Round "?"]
[White "tmetzler"]
[Black "Ragnorak"]
[WhiteRating "1700"]
[BlackRating "1792"]
[Result "*"]
[GameId "3038328"]
[FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1"]

1. f4 c5 2. Ng1f3 g6 3. e3 Bf8g7 4. c3 Ng8f6 5. Bf1e2 O-O 6. d3 Nb8c6
7. Nf3e5 d6 8. Ne5xc6 bxc6 9. O-O e6 10. Nb1d2 a5 11. Nd2c4 Bc8a6
12. Be2f3 Qd8c7 13. g4 Ba6xc4 14. dxc4 d5 15. Qd1d3 Rf8d8 16. g5 Nf6d7
17. e4 Nd7b6 18. cxd5 cxd5 19. e5 c4 20. Qd3c2 a4 21. h4 *



11 Nov 05
23 Jun 07
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Originally posted by d36366
Are you saying that you can insert a FEN of a position into a PGN script, to indicate that the subsequent moves start from this position? If so, could you please tell me how to do it? If I could manually paste the FEN which RHP produces into the PGN it also produces, then although not as good as having all the moves from the beginning, it would make it much more useable.
Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.

The PGN-'language' permits all kind of things, some commentary only, some other very useful for this kind of purpous.

Every one interested in these matters should google for the PGN-syntax. Or you can use some FF features I have not tried. 😞 Ragnorak knows more.

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