Originally posted by AADavid1963Would they have time to play chess, and how of them would actually want to play chess?
As an American, I really feel for our troops overseas. Is there any way we can find them and play chess with them? Could they get discounted memberships and have TfC tourneys and Clans just for them?
Originally posted by AADavid1963What do you mean, "our troops"?
As an American, I really feel for our troops overseas. Is there any way we can find them and play chess with them? Could they get discounted memberships and have TfC tourneys and Clans just for them?
We have no troops overseas killing innocent people?
Originally posted by AADavid1963Which conflicts would this cover? And which 'side' of each conflict?
As an American, I really feel for our troops overseas.. [text shortened] Could they get discounted memberships and have TfC tourneys and Clans just for them?
This idea is one of the worst of I've seen for a while.
Originally posted by AADavid1963That would be a good idea... With my businesses I give discounted/free products to active duty military at every chance. However, I do not think this site is owned by Americans, but I could be wrong.
As an American, I really feel for our troops overseas. Is there any way we can find them and play chess with them? Could they get discounted memberships and have TfC tourneys and Clans just for them?
I vividly support the idea that in every body bag transported from a war scene to their own country be put a chess pawn inside, as a reminder that pawns are always sacrifiable and this is a clear example for this.
Why make war to introduce peace? Why using force to introduce democracy? Why emprison people to support freedom?
Remember - more americans have died in Iraq than in WTC. On whos order? Who is the bad guy then?
22 Jun 07
Originally posted by AADavid1963We could give them all special pieces and rules as well depending on which force they're fighting for! For example:
As an American, I really feel for our troops overseas. Is there any way we can find them and play chess with them? Could they get discounted memberships and have TfC tourneys and Clans just for them?
~ Soldiers in terrorist factions could have 'Suicide Pawns' that take out any pieces within a certain radius.
~ When American troops play, all the pieces on the board should be the same colour so they won't be able to work out which side they're attacking.
~ British troops should be forced to play with tattered old chess sets with half the pieces missing, having to borrow as much off the American troops as possible.
Originally posted by AADavid1963Seriously, the intent isn't too bad, but how many soldiers do you know that
As an American, I really feel for our troops overseas. Is there any way we can find them and play chess with them? Could they get discounted memberships and have TfC tourneys and Clans just for them?
1) Know how to play chess?
2) Enjoy playing chess in their spare time?
3) Have sufficient time to play chess?