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posting limit

posting limit

Site Ideas


I've noticed certain forum addicts seem to dominate every thread with post after post after mindless post.

perhaps a daily post limit similiar to the rec limit would fix this problem and allow others to participate in the forums.

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Originally posted by Red Night
I've noticed certain forum addicts seem to dominate every thread with post after post after mindless post.

perhaps a daily post limit similiar to the rec limit would fix this problem and allow others to participate in the forums.
I agree, with the exception of all my mindless posts. 😛

Oh yea, I don't even concern myself with ever putting any serious thought what so ever into any of my posts. Kind of works like my chess games. 🙂

Should we perhaps start having a rule on who can post what? Or perhaps for the really mindless posts like mine, I wouldn't get to post at all?

What will become of the people who mainly post in the forums and don't actually play much chess?

Will we need another mod team to decide which are the mindless posts, and which ones are not?


Originally posted by Red Night
I've noticed certain forum addicts seem to dominate every thread with post after post after mindless post.

perhaps a daily post limit similiar to the rec limit would fix this problem and allow others to participate in the forums.

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Originally posted by Red Night
I've noticed certain forum addicts seem to dominate every thread with post after post after mindless post.

perhaps a daily post limit similiar to the rec limit would fix this problem and allow others to participate in the forums.
DOH !! kinda shooting yourself in the foot there

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Please! Somebody stop me from posting! Help!

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Originally posted by coquette
Please! Somebody stop me from posting! Help!
I am going to reccomend you seek help with RHP's own PA (poster's anonymous).

Here you will find the likes of almost everyone who has ever ventured into the threads of today and posted something.

We can help you. Yes we can.

We even have our own prayer (for those who believ in such things)

Grant us the strength to change the post I mispelt in error
to not ridicule those that have mispelt before me
the knowledge to reconize when my posts are lame
the fortitude not to follow other lame posts
and the wisdom to reconize the difference

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Originally posted by Red Night
...perhaps a daily post limit similiar to the rec limit would fix this problem and allow others to participate in the forums.
I didn't realize there was a 'number of posters in a thread' limit, so how is it preventing "others" from participating?

Yet another mindless post from the mindless poster RedNight!

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That could seriously improve the quality of the posts, if you were only allowed to have say 5 or 10 a day. Others could have a chance to speak on a topic too.

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Is this a mindless post?

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Originally posted by Red Night
I've noticed certain forum addicts seem to dominate every thread with post after post after mindless post.

perhaps a daily post limit similiar to the rec limit would fix this problem and allow others to participate in the forums.
With around 8,400 posts in just over 849 days you would certainly free up a fair bit of space.

How would limiting the number of post allow others to participate? 😕


Originally posted by Red Night
I've noticed certain forum addicts seem to dominate every thread with post after post after mindless post.

perhaps a daily post limit similiar to the rec limit would fix this problem and allow others to participate in the forums.

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Originally posted by shavixmir
Getting straight to the point today I've noticed!

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Originally posted by Red Night
I've noticed certain forum addicts seem to dominate every thread with post after post after mindless post.

perhaps a daily post limit similiar to the rec limit would fix this problem and allow others to participate in the forums.
Well just checked out one of the longer on site, prolific posters aka shavixmir and there are only 848 pages of posts for him which is only 12,720 in total.

Now, considering you have been here two years less than him and yet have posted almost 2/3rd of his total it goes to show you must be the main forum addict who seems to dominate every thread with post after post of inane dribble.

With this in mind I support your campaign.

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Did anyone notice, this is "Site Ideas", and we all give our two cents on the idea, for whatever it is worth. More like debating on the site idea, and this usually happens each time someone makes a suggestion. I guess that would make all of us with the exception of the Original Poster, Red Night, off Topic.
Had anyone thought of that?

Shame on us ALL !

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What an utterly idiotic idea.

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