Not a major thing but at the moment in a normal thread with no removed post with 16 posts the 16th post creates a second page and when you click on the date it jumps to the second page but if a couple of posts posts were removed by the poster it would show that there's 14 posts and 2 pages with clicking on the date jumping to page 1 instead of the last post on page 2.
So even though the post has been removed is there a way to keep it on the list of number of posts?
@trev33 saidThe ability to remove posts has to be the worst idea ever.
Not a major thing but at the moment in a normal thread with no removed post with 16 posts the 16th post creates a second page and when you click on the date it jumps to the second page but if a couple of posts posts were removed by the poster it would show that there's 14 posts and 2 pages with clicking on the date jumping to page 1 instead of the last post on page 2.
So even though the post has been removed is there a way to keep it on the list of number of posts?
A penalty of say a 7 day forum ban should be issued to those ashamed of what they write..
27 Nov 18
@roma45 saidI don't know that is is a bad idea actually. Someone could type something while under the influence and regret what they said in the morning, this way they can remove it perhaps before a lot of people have seen it.
The ability to remove posts has to be the worst idea ever.
A penalty of say a 7 day forum ban should be issued to those ashamed of what they write..
10 Dec 18
@very-rusty saidOn the flip side, it might give some the idea of putting something out there that is in really bad taste.
I don't know that is is a bad idea actually. Someone could type something while under the influence and regret what they said in the morning, this way they can remove it perhaps before a lot of people have seen it.
And knowing that they can remove it without penalty.
However, my thinking is that site administration can still see the contents of the post after it has been "removed".
@mghrn55 saidI am almost certain they could as they see all....How else would they be able to settle disputes. I could say something about someone which was against the TOS and then remove it. They would have to be able to see the proof that I said it to impose a penalty on me, so I would say they can still see it for sure. Another scenerio is someone could say I said something which I didn't. We all know I've rubbed some people the wrong way. 😉
On the flip side, it might give some the idea of putting something out there that is in really bad taste.
And knowing that they can remove it without penalty.
However, my thinking is that site administration can still see the contents of the post after it has been "removed".
@very-rusty saidAs the doctor said when his patient complained that his finger hurt when he bit it...
I don't know that is is a bad idea actually. Someone could type something while under the influence and regret what they said in the morning, this way they can remove it perhaps before a lot of people have seen it.
Well, Don't Do That, Then!
11 Dec 18
@shallow-blue saidNot quite what was meant!
As the doctor said when his patient complained that his finger hurt when he bit it...
Well, Don't Do That, Then!