Too many people are getting worked up because of players moving while they have their vacation flag up. They mistakenly equate use of vacations system, with abuse of vacation system.
The reason's for the Vacation System are
"1) Players on vacation and their opponents can continue to move. It is only protection from timeout for a fixed number of days, nothing more.
2) A player must clear down games at risk from timeout before their vacation ends. Removal of the vacation flag will end any protection. The vacation page help will be updated to make this clear.
3) People can use their days as they please.
So, seeing as the vacation system is "only protection from timeout for a fixed number of days, nothing more", it should be renamed "Timeout Immunity System".
There are numerous examples of people getting hot under the collar unnecessarily due to not understanding the aims of the Vacation system.
A rename, and possibly a new graphic (which might imply to the mentally challenged amongst us that you can only put up your vacation flag if you are flying) should stop these minor eruptions from happening.
And maybe a rewrite of the instructions on the Vacation System page. Currently the text is:
"Booking a vacation will prevent timeouts during any period where you might be unavailable to move.", which should read "Booking a vacation from Redhotpawn will prevent timeouts during any period where you might be unavailable to move."
and "Your holidays booked for 2007 are listed below." should read "Your Timeout Immunity Periods booked for 2007 are listed below."
Originally posted by RagnorakIf you are on holiday why would you want to be on here playing chess? Go away, forget about chess and enjoy your holiday. The games will still be here when you get back from your holiday.
Too many people are getting worked up because of players moving while they have their vacation flag up. They mistakenly equate use of vacations system, with abuse of vacation system.
The reason's for the Vacation System are
"1) Players on vacation and their opponents can continue to move. It is only protection from timeout for a fixed number of days, n ...[text shortened]... hould read "Your Timeout Immunity Periods booked for 2007 are listed below."
As you say the vacation time could be renamed Timeout Immunity System as this is all the sytem really is.
However the problem of people moving while on vacation could be easily solved by doing something similar to Gameknot. Once you move a certain number of times after putting up your vacation flag the immunity is lost and you run the risk of being timed out. This would stop the poeple we view as vacation abusers from manipulating the system.
The extra immunity from timeouts afforded by the vacation system, by people adding extra days to their timebanks to give themselves time to move is a joke.
When people sign up to play a 3/7 game or 1/7 game or a 3/0 game then these are the parameters they should play within.
Unfortunately the vacation system is now here and we have to live with it, whether we like it or not.
Human nature dictates that we will moan and groan because people are using and abusing the facility, because people like to moan and groan.
Originally posted by adramforall[/i]You can't tell me how to spend my vacation.
If you are on holiday why would you want to be on here playing chess? Go away, forget about chess and enjoy your holiday. The games will still be here when you get back from your holiday.
As you say the vacation time could be renamed Timeout Immunity System as this is all the sytem really is.
However the problem of people moving while [i]on vacati ...[text shortened]... groan because people are using and abusing the facility, because people like to moan and groan.
Originally posted by adramforalldid you read any of rags post?
If you are on holiday why would you want to be on here playing chess? Go away, forget about chess and enjoy your holiday. The games will still be here when you get back from your holiday.
As you say the vacation time could be renamed Timeout Immunity System as this is all the sytem really is.
However the problem of people moving while [i]on vacati ...[text shortened]... groan because people are using and abusing the facility, because people like to moan and groan.
I prefer my name for it. 😞
The Vacation Shuffle ©
The system is fair enough as long as both players have it - oops they don't do they - so therefore it is not exactly fair, in fact it's grossly unfair.
And before you say it, I don't want any option to use it. I simply disagree that it is fair for a player to be able to pay for more time to move.
I agree a name change would be an improvement - for you lot anyway.
been here before, heard it all before, it's not going to go away. the vacation system is a time advantage system for subscribers over non-subs and an invitation to stretch the times it takes to play the games system. nothing more. it's ok, though. was only trying to suggest improvements. Adramforal has it right.
Originally posted by Gatecrasherthat isn't totally fair. RHP is intended for "correspondence" chess. That means "slow" play. As soon as the blitz platform is up and running full speed (that is, with ratings and observers and all the other nice things), then we can enjoy the best of both worlds. Until then, it's just that subs have a huge advantage over non-subs, and that should cost some memberships and result in lost revenues. However, the last time that i suggested this I got so flamed out that i wouldn't even consider suggesting this again.
Crap is still crap no matter what you call it.
Originally posted by coquetteIt's nice to see at least some subscribers don't have a biased view of the unfairness inherent in this present system.
Until then, it's just that subs have a huge advantage over non-subs, and that should cost some memberships and result in lost revenues. However, the last time that i suggested this I got so flamed out that i wouldn't even consider suggesting this again.
I thank you. 🙂
Originally posted by coquetteIn your Site idea, you never once mention that the vacation system is unfair on non-subs. 🙄
that isn't totally fair. RHP is intended for "correspondence" chess. That means "slow" play. As soon as the blitz platform is up and running full speed (that is, with ratings and observers and all the other nice things), then we can enjoy the best of both worlds. Until then, it's just that subs have a huge advantage over non-subs, and that should cost some ...[text shortened]... i suggested this I got so flamed out that i wouldn't even consider suggesting this again.
Thread 69651
When the blitz section is up and running properly, it will be for subs only. 🙄
People asking you to flesh out your idea, or justify your idea isn't getting flamed. 🙄
Originally posted by GatecrasherPlease, if you aren't happy with the current vacation system, or have a grievance that your idea for vacations wasn't implemented then start a different thread. This thread isn't for discussing the relative merits of different vacation systems, but to change a little text on our current system to prevent people misunderstanding the intentions of the system.
Crap is still crap no matter what you call it.
Originally posted by RagnorakIn other words stay "on topic"? Unlike you in your previous post. 😕
Please, if you aren't happy with the current vacation system, or have a grievance that your idea for vacations wasn't implemented then start a different thread. This thread isn't for discussing the relative merits of different vacation systems, but to change a little text on our current system to prevent people misunderstanding the intentions of the system.
Originally posted by RagnorakI agree we need to do something to clarify the function of the vacation flag. We get plenty of feedback from frustrated 'victims' of people moving on vacation.
Too many people are getting worked up because of players moving while they have their vacation flag up. They mistakenly equate use of vacations system, with abuse of vacation system.
The reason's for the Vacation System are
"1) Players on vacation and their opponents can continue to move. It is only protection from timeout for a fixed number of days, n ...[text shortened]... hould read "Your Timeout Immunity Periods booked for 2007 are listed below."