RHP managers: First of all, thank you for a fantastic site. Secondly, please set the time out function to automatically end the game, with the timed out player losing, period... Time limits are a part of the game. When my flag drops - I LOSE! When your flag drops - YOU LOSE! The various differences of opionion on this subject as long as the decision is left up to players is counter productive...
Thanks again for a GREAT site,
Originally posted by randrNo. No. No.
RHP managers: First of all, thank you for a fantastic site. Secondly, please set the time out function to automatically end the game, with the timed out player losing, period... Time limits are a part of the game. When my flag drops - I LOSE! When your flag drops - YOU LOSE! The various differences of opionion on this subject as long as the decision is left up to players is counter productive...
Thanks again for a GREAT site,
I have a pair of skulls sitting on a couple of games for a couple of months now, and there is no way I want THOSE games to auto time out cos they are against a friend of mine. I'm in absolutely no hurry because I have plenty of other games going, and I know that his circumstances don't let him play much atm.
Games that matter (tournie/clan league) already auto T/O, so I don't really see the problem.
Originally posted by randrClan League games and tournament games DO auto-timeout after a 2days grace period.
Actually, we are in agreement. Games that matter, (ie: clan, tournament, etc... DO NOT automatically time out). Friendly games, I have no problem with leaving in the hands of the players.
Thank you for your input,
The general feeling was that people didn't want clan games to auto-TO.