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What if some of the higher rated players offered their services as tutors? Internet Chess Club has a way of connecting with chess tutors, and one internet chess club is enough for me- what if you emailed everybody rated 2000 or better and asked them if they wanted to make a little extra money?

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Originally posted by AADavid1963
What if some of the higher rated players offered their services as tutors? Internet Chess Club has a way of connecting with chess tutors, and one internet chess club is enough for me- what if you emailed everybody rated 2000 or better and asked them if they wanted to make a little extra money?
WHat rating group would they be teaching? SOme of the tactics and strategy of games differ from each rating groups. I mean 2 1200 rated players wouldn't benifiet a lot from a player rated 2000+, since the style of gameplay they're used to is very different. Other than that, I think that would be a great idea.

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Originally posted by AADavid1963
What if some of the higher rated players offered their services as tutors? Internet Chess Club has a way of connecting with chess tutors, and one internet chess club is enough for me- what if you emailed everybody rated 2000 or better and asked them if they wanted to make a little extra money?
I would really like it if we could have games where someone acted as a tutor. It might help me stop being so rubbish!!

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Originally posted by merman
...1200 rated players wouldn't benifiet a lot from a player rated 2000+...
Not necessarily. After all, why do you always see so many beginner chess books written by master chess players? The style of play of more experienced players would definitely differ, but that doesn't mean they can't teach on a lower level (where they once were, too).

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Originally posted by AADavid1963
what if you emailed everybody rated 2000 or better and asked them if they wanted to make a little extra money?
Are you offering to pay them? If not, who would?

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The post that was quoted here has been removed
Of course! 😲

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I'm offering to pay MY tutor! The Internet Chess Club has a feature like this, and a friend of mine says he has a very good instructor. It's a fact that being good at chess and being good at teaching chess are not the same thing. Maybe it's not as beneficial as over-the-board instruction, but it probably wouldn't cost as much, either. Let's say a few of the higher-rated players want to offer their services, I pick one, and we agree on a rate, maybe a discount for the first lesson. Maybe we play a practice game, and the instructor says I need to work on strategy and positional play. He (I say he, but of course, 'he' could be a 'she'😉 offers some pointers, suggests a course of action, some problems, etc. I do the work and we play again. Tutors could specialize in openings, tactics, strategy, etc., if they choose to. Anybody interested?

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Originally posted by AADavid1963
I'm offering to pay MY tutor! The Internet Chess Club has a feature like this, and a friend of mine says he has a very good instructor. It's a fact that being good at chess and being good at teaching chess are not the same thing. Maybe it's not as beneficial as over-the-board instruction, but it probably wouldn't cost as much, either. Let's say a few of ...[text shortened]... specialize in openings, tactics, strategy, etc., if they choose to. Anybody interested?
User 114275

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Originally posted by AADavid1963
What if some of the higher rated players offered their services as tutors? Internet Chess Club has a way of connecting with chess tutors, and one internet chess club is enough for me- what if you emailed everybody rated 2000 or better and asked them if they wanted to make a little extra money?
Isn't there software that could be installed on the site that could tutor players? Maybe make that a benefit of subscribing to the site. I know there are a lot of programs out there and the owners of the software would benefit by the exposure in this site.

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Originally posted by Dr Strangelove
User 114275

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Originally posted by wittywonka
1848 rating here maybe, but a chess teacher doesn't necessarily have to be a world champion.
Though we also know he has a respectable OTB rating which in my opinion would be a far better qualification than a cc rating from an online chess site.

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Originally posted by Dr Strangelove
1848 rating here maybe, but a chess teacher doesn't necessarily have to be a world champion.
Though we also know he has a respectable OTB rating which in my opinion would be a far better qualification than a cc rating from an online chess site.
I don't give a (you-know-what) about his rating. He has personality issues. Who wants an arrogant jerk to be their teacher?


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Originally posted by wittywonka
I don't give a (you-know-what) about his rating. He has personality issues. Who wants an arrogant jerk to be their teacher?

In reality he's not arrogant - he was severely provoked.

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Originally posted by Dr Strangelove
In reality he's not arrogant - he was severely provoked.
I find that hard to believe.

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