@divegeester saidWhat did he say?
I and several others saw what you said to Ghost of a Duke a few hours ago.
You are wise to have had the thread removed, but you cannot remove what you said.
@divegeester saidSix to ten days. Then: "Quote me."
I predict sonship will go awol for a while as he hopes the disgrace of what he said to Ghost of a Duke was limited to only a few observers who he can palm off with his usual walls-of-waffle.
27 Oct 18
@divegeester saidI may not be here when he returns, bearing in mind my spiritual leprosy, bad body odor, and drunken breath.
I predict sonship will go awol for a while as he hopes the disgrace of what he said to Ghost of a Duke was limited to only a few observers who he can palm off with his usual walls-of-waffle.
@divegeester saidDive, you consistently post with these same qualities.
How long will you deny your vanity, nastiness and mean spiritedness?
Do you deny it in yourself?
How long will you deny your vanity, nastiness and mean spiritedness?
Oh, I don't deny these things at times. I would say you don't know the half of how bad I can be. I can be worse then you'll ever know. God's eyes are on me.
Did I ever tell you about the wonderful redemption through the blood of Jesus ?
Go learn what this means and come back and expound on it for us.
Though a righteous person falls seven times, he will get up, but the wicked will stumble into ruin. ( Prov. 24:16)