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The SIGN of LIFE is a Bloody Cruel Instrument of Torture and Death.

The Cross of Calvary.

What do you think of that idea?

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Originally posted by josephw
The SIGN of LIFE is a Bloody Cruel Instrument of Torture and Death.

The Cross of Calvary.

What do you think of that idea?
It means you have a barbarous religion.

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Originally posted by rwingett
It means you have a barbarous religion.
Do you mean in contrast to the swastika or hammer and sickle?

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Originally posted by SharpeMother
Do you mean in contrast to the swastika or hammer and sickle?
What religions do those symbols belong to?

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Originally posted by SharpeMother
Do you mean in contrast to the swastika or hammer and sickle?
No, that isn't what I meant at all.

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Originally posted by josephw
The SIGN of LIFE is a Bloody Cruel Instrument of Torture and Death.

The Cross of Calvary.

What do you think of that idea?
Well It could be likened to wearing an electric chair around your neck. (Some wear crosses) However if you believe in Christ then as contradictory as it may seem we should rejoice in the fact the God provided the perfect sacrifice for us in this cruel way. I think cruel by the way comes from the root word for crucify. Just like excruciating is another word that has it's root in crucify. It was a torture used for bad criminals!


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Originally posted by josephw
The SIGN of LIFE is a Bloody Cruel Instrument of Torture and Death.

The Cross of Calvary.

What do you think of that idea?
The whole crucifixion thing is all symbolic.

It also highlights the fact that Christians generally do not distinguish between the various meanings of 'life' and 'death' that they use and thus cause endless confusion when talking about them. Its time they invented some new words to make it clearer (but then that might make the flaws in the whole thing more obvious).

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Originally posted by josephw
The SIGN of LIFE is a Bloody Cruel Instrument of Torture and Death.

The Cross of Calvary.

What do you think of that idea?
Good propaganda for the enemies of Christendom. 'Their most revered religious symbol is an instrument of torture. Exterminate the brutes!'

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Originally posted by rwingett
It means you have a barbarous religion.
Christianity is a classical religion. It may or may not be cruel as well, depending on the barbarism of its practitioners.

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Originally posted by josephw
The SIGN of LIFE is a Bloody Cruel Instrument of Torture and Death.

The Cross of Calvary.

What do you think of that idea?
and as sharpe mother said, communism and nazism are death and torture organizations that have fluffy nice symbols. (hammer and sickle: factories and agriculture, very good, zvastika: tibetan symbol of life or something else that is equally fluffy)

symbols have as much meaning as we assign them. no more, no less.

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Originally posted by Zahlanzi

symbols have as much meaning as we assign them. no more, no less.
Then there is the symbol that stands for 'symbol'.

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Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
Christianity is a classical religion. It may or may not be cruel as well, depending on the barbarism of its practitioners.
The concept that salvation comes through the death and resurrection of Jesus is barbarous. If its practitioners could divest themselves of that noxious myth then it would go a long way to lessening their predisposition toward barbarism.

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Originally posted by rwingett
The concept that salvation comes through the death and resurrection of Jesus is barbarous. If its practitioners could divest themselves of that noxious myth then it would go a long way to lessening their predisposition toward barbarism.
Reminds me of that Lennon line, 'God is a concept by which we measure our pain'.

I'm just pointing out that you're using 'barbarous' anachronistically. Xtianity was largely a Hellenistic affair, philosophically, not something dreamt up by barbarians (although the Ostrogoths were Arians, just like Newton). So 'cruel' is more fitting, and cutting, I think. Christianity, the religion in which God tortures himself to relieve his sense of guilt.

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Originally posted by SharpeMother
Do you mean in contrast to the swastika or hammer and sickle?
The swastika has a long, long history predating Nazism by at least 3,000yrs.

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Originally posted by josephw
The SIGN of LIFE is a Bloody Cruel Instrument of Torture and Death.

The Cross of Calvary.

What do you think of that idea?
I think that Calvary Cross was used thousands of years before the rising of the reformed Judaism known as Christian religion; we see the Calvary Cross in Egypt (on the breasts of mummies, suspended around the necks of the sacred serpents, and more importantly as an object on which Typhon is chained: Typhon, an aspect of Osiris, was considered by the Egyptians the ideation of the personified universe whilst Typhon was the same universe in its material realization -therefore the concept Osiris-Typhon is identical to the concept Vishnu-Siva), in Greece, in Babylon, in India, in China, in Mexico and in Peru, and it is simply a cosmic and a phallic symbol.
The “T” cross is the most ancient of all the forms of the cross, whilst the cross with a handle is spotted in the hands of Baal, Astarte and many other gods. The cross of St. Philip is Anoukis’ ankh. Constantine’s Labarum is an ancient Etrurian emblem that was based on Osiris’ sign, and the long Latin cross is a sign of Horus

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