A life saved from the madness

A life saved from the madness


Walk your Faith


24 May 04
13 Jun 14

Originally posted by FabianFnas
I read in the article:
“Dr Vaithilingum found herself in a difficult position when the parents refused the lifesaving treatment,” said Skelton.
After receiving the blood, her condition improved dramatically.
I don't know more about the case as it is written in the article. Do you know more about the case in question?

The parents refused the life saving procedure. The doctor saved the 10-years old girl.
People refuse life saving things all the time for a various amount of reasons.
Most of them are just ready to die.
Do you honestly believe the parents wanted her to die, or those that
actually supported that belief all wanted her to die?

I doubt that completely!
I'm glad she was saved, happy she got the treatment she got.
It just means that your beliefs are meaningless, that is all if they disagree
with you.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
13 Jun 14

Originally posted by divegeester
Oh no you don't... I understand what you said perfectly.
You have understood what I said, in the interpretation you chose. It is not what I meant. I fully concede that I may have said something that was not technically correct, or didn't match what I meant. If you have no intention of understanding what I meant, then that is your problem. You are free to pronounce what I said to be 'wrong'. But if you want to make pronouncements on my character, then have the decency to find out what my actual opinion is.


11 Nov 05
13 Jun 14

Originally posted by KellyJay
People refuse life saving things all the time for a various amount of reasons.
Most of them are just ready to die.
Do you honestly believe the parents wanted her to die, or those that
actually supported that belief all wanted her to die?

I doubt that completely!
I'm glad she was saved, happy she got the treatment she got.
It just means that your beliefs are meaningless, that is all if they disagree
with you.
If an adult are ready to dye by denying medical care, its their choice. We agree on that. Suicide for those who want it themselves, well, who can stop them anyway?

But this is not about them. This is about parents who deny their daughter, 10 years of age, a life saving treatment.

If I had a son with a life threatening decease, and I just refuse letting any doctor see him, and he eventually dies of that decease. Do I get away with it of religius reasons? "Well, I am a JW so I am without responsibility." (?) Because I wouldn't get away with it otherwise.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
13 Jun 14

Originally posted by FabianFnas
If an adult are ready to dye by denying medical care, its their choice. We agree on that. Suicide for those who want it themselves, well, who can stop them anyway?

But this is not about them. This is about parents who deny their daughter, 10 years of age, a life saving treatment.

If I had a son with a life threatening decease, and I just refuse lett ...[text shortened]... l, I am a JW so I am without responsibility." (?) Because I wouldn't get away with it otherwise.
Do you think having a child die removes responsibility? It is life and death
and every choice we make will play out. I have been saying I respect that
they could have a belief so strong they would be willing to risk their own
lives and their family. It isn't one I share! They are responsible for their
actions, accepting they have them does not resolve them from anything.

We did everything I believe everyone here would approve of when our
daughter died, and I still had guilt. The scriptures comforted me even
though I know we did everything we could. People who have their kids
die are not getting away with anything, and it isn't something I'd wish
on my worse enemy.


11 Nov 05
13 Jun 14

Originally posted by KellyJay
Do you think having a child die removes responsibility? It is life and death
and every choice we make will play out. I have been saying I respect that
they could have a belief so strong they would be willing to risk their own
lives and their family. It isn't one I share! They are responsible for their
actions, accepting they have them does not resolve t ...[text shortened]... e are not getting away with anything, and it isn't something I'd wish
on my worse enemy.
Oh, this got personal suddenly...

I'm so sorry for your loss of your daughter. To lose one so close and so loved is a catastrophy. My thoughts are with you.

16 Jan 07
13 Jun 14

Originally posted by KellyJay
Show me the scripture in the Bible that suggests that, we can discuss that.
I don't believe mutilation is justifiable and is actually spoken against in
so you are now saying you only support parents avoiding 'sin' and potentially causing harm to a child f there is evidence it is a sin in the bible..........does this mean you think the bible has evidence that the jw theory about blood is correct?

16 Jan 07
13 Jun 14

Originally posted by KellyJay
Do you think having a child die removes responsibility? It is life and death
and every choice we make will play out. I have been saying I respect that
they could have a belief so strong they would be willing to risk their own
lives and their family. It isn't one I share! They are responsible for their
actions, accepting they have them does not resolve t ...[text shortened]... e are not getting away with anything, and it isn't something I'd wish
on my worse enemy.
using the excuse that there is 'possibly' scripture to back them up (regardless if you agree with their understanding of the scripture). is in my opinion bizarre. there a lots of passages in the bible that could be used to justify all kinds of horrific behavior. for example -

if i offered up my daughter for rape to protect a house guest. you would be horrified and phone the police....you wouldnt just turn a blind eye and say 'well, although i disagree with his interpretation, he does have an argument that scripture supports it, so let him get on with it'.



04 Apr 04
13 Jun 14

Originally posted by KellyJay
..With respect to burning in Hell, no matter what we do we are bound to go
there without the salvation that God has provided...
The Bible says no such thing by the way.



04 Apr 04
13 Jun 14

Originally posted by KellyJay
Show me the scripture in the Bible that suggests that, we can discuss that.
I don't believe mutilation is justifiable and is actually spoken against in
An example of mutilation supported:

Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire. And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.
(Matthew 18:8-9 KJV)

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
13 Jun 14

Originally posted by stellspalfie
so you are now saying you only support parents avoiding 'sin' and potentially causing harm to a child f there is evidence it is a sin in the bible..........does this mean you think the bible has evidence that the jw theory about blood is correct?
I'm not as worried about sins against a false god, as I am about who I
believe is the King of the universe. With respect to those that love Him and
are trying to walk out their faith, I do care about more. I will respect other
people even if I disagree with there faith as best I can. That said I would
never attempt to do something to another that would cause them sin
against their own soul, unless it brought them to Christ which would free
them from all sins against God.

No, I disagree with the JW view on blood, but I most certainly believe that
they would die for this view, and risk others too.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
13 Jun 14
1 edit

Originally posted by Rajk999
An example of mutilation supported:

Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire. And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter in ...[text shortened]... ith one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.
(Matthew 18:8-9 KJV)
That is how you take that verse? Do you still have your tongue and fingers
due to the words you have said and written that may be sinful? Have you
ever looked at a woman and lusted, am I to assume you took out your eyes
after that occurred?



04 Apr 04
13 Jun 14

Originally posted by KellyJay
That is how you take that verse? Do you still have your tongue and fingers
due to the words you have said and written that may be sinful? Have you
ever looked at a woman and lusted, am I to assume you took out your eyes
after that occurred?
What do my actions [or anyone elses for that matter] have to do with what Christ said?

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
13 Jun 14

Originally posted by twhitehead
You have understood what I said, in the interpretation you chose. It is not what I meant. I fully concede that I may have said something that was not technically correct, or didn't match what I meant. If you have no intention of understanding what I meant, then that is your problem. You are free to pronounce what I said to be 'wrong'. But if you want to make pronouncements on my character, then have the decency to find out what my actual opinion is.
I've not made any "pronouncements on your character". As you have said to me many many times - you are only what you post and if what you post is not what you mean, then you only have yourself to blame.

Feel free to explain why you feel Kelly is being "perfectly reasonable" in his pronouncements that the JW parents should be free (both in terms of law and conscience) to allow their daughter to die rather than recieve blood.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
13 Jun 14

Originally posted by Rajk999
What do my actions [or anyone elses for that matter] have to do with what Christ said?
What was Christ telling everyone to do here?
Explain the verse please, do you think Jesus is telling all His followers to
main themselves here?


26 Feb 09
13 Jun 14
1 edit

Originally posted by divegeester
Despite the Jehovah's Witness alleged position (repeatedly stated in this forum by robbie carrobie) of blood transfusions being "a matter of personal conscience", the real experience of life inside the cult is somewhat different as the religious pressure by the governing body to conform to its pernicious doctrines continues to endanger lives. In this Sou ...[text shortened]... ://www.iol.co.za/news/south-africa/kwazulu-natal/jehovah-s-witness-girl-saved-by-court-1.1700022
Although saving this child may seem like the humanitarian thing to do, it does bring it's own problems. At what point do we start allowing government to totally control our lives and at what point do we say no.

In the "Obamacare Act" it states clearly that the health care is for viable people. Those who contribute to society. At what point will the US government determine who is a viable and who is not. All you need to look at is how they take care of their own veterans.

In this same concept, is it the right of the mob to control ones own personal beliefs. Even if they seem wrong?

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