There are a number of theists who ask what is the point of existing if there exists no god, no (so-called) objective meaning to our existence? Indeed, we all eventually die, and all the good we may have done in our lives is all for naught, etc... So what's the point?
The thing is, we atheists can play the same game. Indeed let's suppose, for example, that some version of Bible "God" exists - and that our reason for existing is to honour and glorify "Him" as we live out an eternity of existence (assuming one made the right choices as a mortal) in heaven.
Then what is the point of this? what good does it do to have us all existing for ever and ever and ever and ... ever to serve some deity? It's not like anything noteworthy happens afterwards for it. Indeed what is the point of a universe containing such a deity in the first place??? 😕
Originally posted by Agerglove!!! whats the point of love??? yes love is good, being loved and loving can make us happy. but life is way more complicated than one simple emotion. why are christians obsessed with being loved and loving their god. its like a bad beetles cover. all of the things humanity has gone through cannot be forgotten just because our deity loves us. i love my wife and children(and my dogs, but dont tell them) why do i need gods love, why should i love god? it seems so absurd.
There are a number of theists who ask what is the point of existing if there exists no god, no (so-called) objective meaning to our existence? Indeed, we all eventually die, and all the good we may have done in our lives is all for naught, etc... So what's the point?
The thing is, we atheists can play the same game. Indeed let's suppose, for example, that s ...[text shortened]... . Indeed what is the point of a universe containing such a deity in the first place??? 😕
Originally posted by AgergThe point of our exixtence is for the pleasure of God, according to the Holy Bible. 😏
There are a number of theists who ask what is the point of existing if there exists no god, no (so-called) objective meaning to our existence? Indeed, we all eventually die, and all the good we may have done in our lives is all for naught, etc... So what's the point?
The thing is, we atheists can play the same game. Indeed let's suppose, for example, that s ...[text shortened]... . Indeed what is the point of a universe containing such a deity in the first place??? 😕
Originally posted by Agergthe fact of the matter is dear Agers we simply cannot fulfil our potential in seventy or
There are a number of theists who ask what is the point of existing if there exists no god, no (so-called) objective meaning to our existence? Indeed, we all eventually die, and all the good we may have done in our lives is all for naught, etc... So what's the point?
The thing is, we atheists can play the same game. Indeed let's suppose, for example, that s ...[text shortened]... . Indeed what is the point of a universe containing such a deity in the first place??? 😕
eighty years, indeed, we can hardly do anything, time is so limited, with eternity in
view we can really live up to our potential and learn many knew and exciting things,
like, how to play the saxophone, or how to build houses, or hot to calculate gigantic
Originally posted by robbie carrobieSo do we float around in some misty void for all eternity, groking on all the love, learning to play the harmonica, then learning surgery, then table tennis, then linguistics, then, etc.? Do we also get bigger brains to hold all that new information or would we be doing all this in the cosmic cloud? Are we all one mind there? Do we still see what is around us? Are there trees? Beaches? Deserts? Fiats? Yugo's? Corvairs?
the fact of the matter is dear Agers we simply cannot fulfil our potential in seventy or
eighty years, indeed, we can hardly do anything, time is so limited, with eternity in
view we can really live up to our potential and learn many knew and exciting things,
like, how to play the saxophone, or how to build houses, or hot to calculate gigantic
Originally posted by sonhousethe Bible states very clearly that we shall live forever on earth. why would do you need
So do we float around in some misty void for all eternity, groking on all the love, learning to play the harmonica, then learning surgery, then table tennis, then linguistics, then, etc.? Do we also get bigger brains to hold all that new information or would we be doing all this in the cosmic cloud? Are we all one mind there? Do we still see what is around us? Are there trees? Beaches? Deserts? Fiats? Yugo's? Corvairs?
a bigger brain for these things? Do people who speak five languages have larger
brains than those who speak two? Do table tennis players see the world differently than
Originally posted by robbie carrobieEarth will not be around forever. If it is, the Sun will not be around forever. Since the sun is spewing out energy at a terrific rate, then it will in time run out of fuel. In either event, the Earth will not even last a few million years in its present form - it cannot. The movements of the tectonic plates, resulting for example in earthquakes along fault lines, will gradually and inexorably transform the shape of the features on the earth. Over time, there is no reason to preclude another major ice age, with much of the land buried beneath immense piles of ice, nor major climate change resulting in the inability of the planet to sustain its population of existing humans let alone the return of all earlier generations. Sea levels will rise and fall over the millenia, with dramatic consequences. Evolution will continue, not least in the continuing reduction of biodiversity as humans destroy their environment. There is no fundamental reason why there will not be another major asteroid strike and no reason to expect human life to survive one - for example, the moon was created by a huge strike which shattered the planet.
the Bible states very clearly that we shall live forever on earth.
This stable Garden of Eden image is hard enough to envisage in a mystical place, but demanding that it be located right here on this physical planet is just crazy because we know too much about the history of this planet, the forces shaping it and its long term future.
Even in religious terms your assertion is not useful. It is infantile and most religious people aspire to something less profoundly ignorant.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieHumans have only a limited supply of brain cells and a limited amount of memory. If we were to find ourselves essentially immortal, our memory would only be good for an estimated 1000 years. Then we would lose the capacity to learn anything new. So we would absolutely need bigger brains, new biological ways of storing information. We cannot possibly live for say 1 million years with the brains we have today. You should ponder this concept very carefully before you give out pronouncements. We would also run out of resources very quickly unless we were able to breath air and never needed food.
the Bible states very clearly that we shall live forever on earth. why would do you need
a bigger brain for these things? Do people who speak five languages have larger
brains than those who speak two? Do table tennis players see the world differently than
If all the people who would be going to your heaven were to end up on Earth, they would number in the hundreds of billions. We are having a hard enough time feeding 7 billion people so just where on this planet would you put hundreds of billions of people and what would you grow and where would you grow this food?
What about the wildlife already here? Would they still be here? If so, where would we put a few hundred billion people? In mile high skyscrapers? Say a skyscraper that would house 100 million people? So maybe 1000 of those? What about children? Would we keep having kids? Would they be born into sin? What would we teach them about the world? The more you think about it, which you clearly have not, the more like science fiction it becomes.
For instance, would the Earth still have earthquakes? Forest fires? Ice ages? How long do you think we could all live on this planet? In a billion years or two, the sun will start running out of fuel and that fuel is all that is balancing outward pressure and gravity. When all the nuclear reactions have changed to higher energy types, the sun expands to red giant stage where it is larger than the orbit of Mars.
Will your god stop that? Will it for instance, magically shove in new fuel for the sun so it keeps up its nice steady output?
What about the outer planets? What happens when some asteroid comes barreling into intersect with Earth? It has happened several times in the past that pretty much destroyed life on Earth. Will your god deflect those asteroids then?
Originally posted by robbie carrobieAccording to Isaiah and Revelation, its a NEW Earth and a NEW Heaven. The first heaven and earth will pass away. Apparently the new earth is 1,500 cubic miles in size, with no sea an no sun.
the Bible states very clearly that we shall live forever on earth. why would do you need
a bigger brain for these things? Do people who speak five languages have larger
brains than those who speak two? Do table tennis players see the world differently than
Originally posted by Rajk999How did you come up with that figure? If it were cubed shaped, it would be less than 12 miles across. 144 times 6, 864 square miles of surface area.... Lets see, even if we eliminate all people except Christians and then take only 1/100th of them, that would leave about 10 million people. That would be a population density of 11 thousand per square mile. Pretty well packed. Of course that doesn't take into account where you would grow food. I guess we get other planets for that. That would of course mean we would have to have access to spaceships......
According to Isaiah and Revelation, its a NEW Earth and a NEW Heaven. The first heaven and earth will pass away. Apparently the new earth is 1,500 cubic miles in size, with no sea an no sun.
Originally posted by sonhouseRead Revelation 21. How big is a cube 12,000 furlongs x 12,000 furlongs x 12,000 furlongs?
How did you come up with that figure? If it were cubed shaped, it would be less than 12 miles across. 144 times 6, 864 square miles of surface area.... Lets see, even if we eliminate all people except Christians and then take only 1/100th of them, that would leave about 10 million people. That would be a population density of 11 thousand per square mile. P er planets for that. That would of course mean we would have to have access to spaceships......