yo 'ntah-sukho 'ntar-aramas
tathantar-jyotir eva yah
sa yogi brahma-nirvanam
brahma-bhuto 'dhigacchati
yah--one who; antah-sukhah--happy from within; antah-aramah--active within; tatha--as well as; antah-jyotih--aiming within; eva--certainly; yah--anyone; sah--he; yogi--mystic; brahma-nirvanam--liberated in the Supreme; brahma-bhutah--self-realized; adhigacchati--attains.
One whose happiness is within, who is active within, who rejoices within and is illumined within, is actually the perfect mystic. He is liberated in the Supreme, and ultimately he attains the Supreme.
Unless one is able to relish happiness from within, how can one retire from the external engagements meant for deriving superficial happiness? A liberated person enjoys happiness by factual experience. He can, therefore, sit silently at any place and enjoy the activities of life from within. Such a liberated person no longer desires external material happiness. This state is called brahma-bhuta, attaining which one is assured of going back to Godhead, back to home.
Originally posted by DasaWhat are the requirements?
yo 'ntah-sukho 'ntar-aramas
tathantar-jyotir eva yah
sa yogi brahma-nirvanam
brahma-bhuto 'dhigacchati
yah--one who; antah-sukhah--happy from within; antah-aramah--active within; tatha--as well as; antah-jyotih--aiming within; eva--certainly; yah--anyone; sah--he; yogi--mystic; brahma-nirvanam--liberated in the Supreme; brahma- ...[text shortened]... s called brahma-bhuta, attaining which one is assured of going back to Godhead, back to home.
Originally posted by RJHindsThe whole purpose of your Christianity is to become liberated from material bondage in this temporary world of suffering.
What must one do if anything to become liberated? Or is it just suppose
to happen over a period of time. Can anyone be liberated?
You do this by developing love of God.
You develop love of God by following a spiritual program that will purify you very existence.
This program also gives intimate knowledge of God.
No other religion has this intimate knowledge of God
The program will give you knowledge where before there was only ignorance.
If a person remains ignorant they will not return home to Godhead.
Killing is evidence of ignorance.
When ignorance is removed by acquiring transcendental knowledge the persons heart develops love for God where there was no love previously.
Ignorance can only be removed by embracing the teachings of the Vedas..
Other religions because they have come along only in recent times and have been compiled by unenlightened person cannot remove the ignorance because these religions do not have true spiritual knowledge.
I have given example before how Christianity Islam and Judaism teach falsity which therefore cannot remove this ignorance.
Every person in existence may be liberated.
Originally posted by Dasa==================================
The whole purpose of your Christianity is to become liberated from material bondage in this temporary world of suffering.
You do this by developing love of God.
You develop love of God by following a spiritual program that will purify you very existence.
This program also gives intimate knowledge of God.
No other religion has this intimate knowledge ...[text shortened]... ity which therefore cannot remove this ignorance.
Every person in existence may be liberated.
The whole purpose of your Christianity is to become liberated from material bondage in this temporary world of suffering.
Do you think you successfully inform me what the "whole purpose" of the Christian gospel is ?
You don't know what you're talking about. You don't know what the whole purpose of the gospel of Christ is at all.
This you have said is your "Whole Purpose" Strawman. Your misconception is entirely "man centered". It has not been noticed by you that the Bible speaks of "the eternal purpose" of God. And it more than just becomming "liberated from material bondage".
" .... According to the eternal purpose which He made in Christ Jesus our Lord ..." (See Eph. 3:11)
The surrounding verses to this verse on "the eternal purpose which He made in Christ Jesus our Lord" are NOT merely about people being " liberated from material bondage in this temporary world of suffering. "
When you wish to learn something about the eternal purpose of God as seen in the Holy Bible, let me know and we can go discuss that. But for the record you should understand that God's eternal purpose was in His heart even before any kind of "bondage" was an issue. God's salvation may save. But God's eternal purpose was His plan before there was any need for salvation.
God desire to have sons - who inherit His divine life and nature. God's desire was to dispense Himself into sons that they may inherit "sonship". And this purpose God had in His heart "before the foundation of the world".
This means that before God created the universe He had in His heart a purpose, a plan, and eternal purpose to have SONS. In a previous post you complained in ignorance that the God of the Christian faith can have only ONE Son.
This is your ignrance. I do not question your understanding of the Vedas. But your conception of the Christian faith leaves much to be desired.
Yes God has only one only begotten Son. But the only begotten Son was raised "the Firstborn Son". Firstborn means others are to follow.
And the eternal purpose of God to bring human creatures into "sonship" absolutely requires that the saved become conformed to the image of the FIRSTBORN Son of God that He may be the First among many brothers:
Proof: "Because those whom He foreknew, He also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the Firstborn among many brothers." (Romans 8:29)
Did you notice that ? Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God is a model in God's eternal economy, that all the saved might be "conformed" to His image, that Jesus Christ might be "the Firstborn among many brothers" .
Nothing said here about mere liberation from the material suffering.
He predestined us to SONSHIP through Jesus Christ, in the realm of Christ, through Christ, by Christ. And such a plan was in the Divine Heart "before the foundation of the world" ie. before God created the universe.
Proof: "Even as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world to be holy and without blemish before Him in love, Predestinating us unto *sonship* through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will .." (Eph. 1:4,5)
(The word "adoption" is a poor translation in Eph. 1:4. Sonship is better and indicates the ORGANIC Life relationship of the reborn to their Father God )
You should get a New Testament and read ALOUD the first four chapters of the book of Ephesians before you go presumming to announce to me the whole purpose of the gospel of Christ or of "Christianity".
Read it aloud. You will be blessed. Even if you do not at once understand all that you read, I believe that if your heart is at all a little opened, you will be bless of God for reading aloud chapters 1 - 4 of Paul's letter to the Ephesians.
Originally posted by jaywillI like this game! Lets you and him fight!
The whole purpose of your Christianity is to become liberated from material bondage in this temporary world of suffering.
Do you think you successfully inform me what the "whole purpose" of the Christian gospel is ?
You don't know what you're talking about ...[text shortened]... apters 1 - 4 of Paul's letter to the Ephesians.[/b]
Originally posted by DasaWow, even I felt the tug of the mantra that time. Your whole post is like a sine wave, almost two cycles long.
The whole purpose of your Christianity is to become liberated from material bondage in this temporary world of suffering.
You do this by developing love of God.
You develop love of God by following a spiritual program that will purify you very existence.
This program also gives intimate knowledge of God.
No other religion has this intimate knowledge ...[text shortened]... ity which therefore cannot remove this ignorance.
Every person in existence may be liberated.
By all means, keep trying, though. But your words are still those of the serpent.
Originally posted by jaywillEvery living being is a son of God.
The whole purpose of your Christianity is to become liberated from material bondage in this temporary world of suffering.
Do you think you successfully inform me what the "whole purpose" of the Christian gospel is ?
You don't know what you're talking about apters 1 - 4 of Paul's letter to the Ephesians.[/b]
You are a son of God
Your neighbour is a son of God.
Atheists are sons of God...............(but deny him).
How is this possible?
Because the son means the soul and every soul is an offspring of the Supreme soul God.
The Bible is not the authority because it is the religion of the animal killers.
The Bible does not have true spiritual knowledge but presents error by falsely teaching how God is suppose to have one son.
These errors come about because the Bible has been fabricated by unauthorized persons trying to turn the man Jesus into a Superman by attributing false qualities to this person.
This is why they falsely teach that this man Jesus rose from the grave.
No dead body will ever rise from the grave.
However the soul of every living being does rise from the grave and this is called reincarnation .........but the Bible rejects this because the Bible is devoid of true knowledge.
Any religion that does not speak out against animal slaughter is false.
Originally posted by DasaBut I just can't understand why I can't eat animals if other animals
Every living being is a son of God.
You are a son of God
Your neighbour is a son of God.
Atheists are sons of God...............(but deny him).
How is this possible?
Because the son means the soul and every soul is an offspring of the Supreme soul God.
The Bible is not the authority because it is the religion of the animal killers.
The Bibl ...[text shortened]... id of true knowledge.
Any religion that does not speak out against animal slaughter is false.
kill animals for food. Why must I deprive myself of good food?
Originally posted by RJHindsYou do not understand because you follow a religion that is devoid of true spiritual knowledge.
But I just can't understand why I can't eat animals if other animals
kill animals for food. Why must I deprive myself of good food?
You will never understand whilst you do this.
The first clue that a religion is false is that it will support the slaughter of animals but one must be honest to realize this.
Originally posted by DasaCan you answer me this: How many women are in the upper ranks of your religion? Don't be dishonest on me now. As a percentage.
You do not understand because you follow a religion that is devoid of true spiritual knowledge.
You will never understand whilst you do this.
The first clue that a religion is false is that it will support the slaughter of animals but one must be honest to realize this.